i has just paid 1.05 fur 2l of corn oil at sainsbury's
That is cheap will be havin a look at good old sainsburys tomorrow.What mix do you run on Im on 50/50 at the moment and this morning it stuggled in the frost up here in Burnley(mind you most things struggle to start up here and its not just the cars !)
And in summer would you go 75/25 in favour of oil or do you think 50/50 is enough.By the way mines RRC 300 tdi.
I see Slobs at it again, Mr Negativity, "we cant change anthing so lets all get walked on" He likes telling people to move abroad, maybe hes lonely in France and wants some company.:)

The only problem is trying to get JOE PUBLIC to join in, what ya need is the support of famous people, look at what some of these buggers have achieved in the past!

It won't be long now till the big guns have had enough, however like a said before, the only people to make a statment is - JOE PUBLIC
yeah rite

the best protest yu can do is not use yo cars - dont buy the petrol.

use public transport - no taxes then from fuel or car tax - go green - stuff the government.
The bloody Governement will turn it all around again like they did last time, saying how we are affecting the emergency services even though we dont, just to get the public to back them, with a bit of luck though the public should know by now what bloody liars the government are.

Now theres an idea, Gordon Brown would have to stick another 10 taxes on anything that did'nt move, by the way Slob how much is diesel a litre in France? :)
I see Slobs at it again, Mr Negativity, "we cant change anthing so lets all get walked on" He likes telling people to move abroad, maybe hes lonely in France and wants some company.:)

oh shut up!, what you call negativity is what most folk call common sense and the ability to reckonise a lost cause.
you tell us how many times the gov has paid attention to the voice of the people. and what changes it brought about

do you really really think it will have the least effect on how much " you get walked on"

what you views on that protest that lasted for years at greenham common and other us airbases. fooking thousands of people there for years and it changed nothing.

and if you take yer head out your arse you'd realise i wasn't being negative as i told old whatisname that if he really wants to change things he needs to do it from the inside. in other words get himself into a political party that has a chance of winning a general election.

but then that would mean you wouldn't have a chance to try and look smart by the use of your comments about me wanting some company. which has got **** all to do with folk willing standing out in the cold and rain for an ideal than has little hope of fruition.
Now theres an idea, Gordon Brown would have to stick another 10 taxes on anything that did'nt move, by the way Slob how much is diesel a litre in France? :)
i have no idea and i have no idea how much petrol is either. gauge says nearly empty then its time to fill up.. if its gets to the point where i'm getting letters from me bank manager saying "oi! **** yer overdrawn" i might start to pay more attention a to the price of stuff before i buy it.
ffs give it a rest, if yer wanna stand outside the refinary in the freezing weather then go do it and dont take yer feckin laptop cos we dunt want a runnin commentary on yer pursuits. it seems there is a majority on here that are not interested in yer moaning about fuel prices so go tek it to a forum that actually gives a flying ****
you do realise that the use of the word "bicycle" or its derivative "bike" could be considered offensive to our female members?
you do realise that the use of the word "bicycle" or its derivative "bike" could be considered offensive to our female members?

i do now, seeing as i also used the word "moaning" which has also been used in relation to females

i would therefore like to say sorry to all of the moaning bikes that frequent this forum

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