oh and another thing spare a thought for those that gave their lives and those that are still risking their lives so you can go and stand outside the refinery without the fear of a 5.56 round going through yer head!
is it what me grandad used ter call all small dogs owned by wummins - "quimlickers"?
well ive just spend the last ten minutes reading this bollocks and i think yer a deluded **** mr kendal. yer wunt mek an apoth o difference and all yer doin is windin yer sen up. we will all sit ere tekkin the **** and watchin yer bite. yer would be better off marketing yer mint cake
well ive just spend the last ten minutes reading this bollocks and i think yer a deluded **** mr kendal. yer wunt mek an apoth o difference and all yer doin is windin yer sen up. we will all sit ere tekkin the **** and watchin yer bite. yer would be better off marketing yer mint cake
that if we can afford the delivery costs of it
collection only mate, yer cant buy good quality mint cake anywhere except the lake district ;)

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