Just got the tags, am at work until 6pm - so by the time I get home and get changed and then , get the 90 out and drive over (50mins from my house) it will be dark, that and it being a restricted byway counts me out for today to be honest.

I am working until 6 tomorrow aswell, earliest I could do would be Wednesday evening as I finish work at 4pm. But unless I have permission from a landowner I am not driving up a restricted byway to recover someone I don’t know who has only just joined the forum to illicit said recovery. I don’t want my vehicle impounded lol.

Happy to drive over Wednesday and walk up to help though.
Tirfor would probably pull that out.
Thank you to everyone with helpful replies.
Just got the tags, am at work until 6pm - so by the time I get home and get changed and then , get the 90 out and drive over (50mins from my house) it will be dark, that and it being a restricted byway counts me out for today to be honest.

I am working until 6 tomorrow aswell, earliest I could do would be Wednesday evening as I finish work at 4pm. But unless I have permission from a landowner I am not driving up a restricted byway to recover someone I don’t know who has only just joined the forum to illicit said recovery. I don’t want my vehicle impounded lol.

Happy to drive over Wednesday and walk up to help though.
Tirfor would probably pull that out.

Completely understand. Thanks for your reply.
Have spoken to Op and as soon as all this is back together will be arranging something, unless someone else gets there first :)
Ladies & Gents, please can we keep to the topic in hand?

I don't want replies getting missed with talk of a cold or how far away a river is...

Yes. you know how confused Mr self important gets :p

Well peeps, looks like another success story is on its way. Well done all and keep things safe and legal.

I'm sure The OPs other half has already subscribed to G.L.A.S.S. before venturing out ont t turf again. Its the least he can do. o_Oo_Oo_O
Yes. you know how confused Mr self important gets :p

Well peeps, looks like another success story is on its way. Well done all and keep things safe and legal.

I'm sure The OPs other half has already subscribed to G.L.A.S.S. before venturing out ont t turf again. Its the least he can do. o_Oo_Oo_O
Bob, its got nothing to do with being self important or the like, it's simply to keep vaguely on topic.

there are plenty of other forums for such discussions, don't you think?
2 have said they couldn't do it, 1 wanted more than the car is worth and waiting to hear back from another.

They believed they were ok to drive down there. If nobody on here can help will try the local farms. I've managed to find a number for one now.
farmer will either shoot you or tell ya to fook off
so they have gone off roading in a beefed up micra with bald road tyres lol

something like that

Sadly its about 3 hours away from me so not a chance. If it was local (and if I had landowner permission or police instruction) i'd pop along with a rope, and then suggest coming out on a trip with a few experienced LZers to learn how to do it properly. Without the permission it'd be the tirfor.

I think the presence of the Pug in the background shows just how easy to drive that track must be.Its clearly driven regularly so there must be a local farmer who uses it to access their fields. Sooner or later they'll get annoyed at the blockage and move it less gently themselves!

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