@The Mad Hat Man from the provided image, I'd suggest it would come out backwards with minimal impact to the underside:

Quite what the Pug is doing behind it is somewhat of a mystery...
So I've been told it's the road opposite Wilmington Church if that will help anyone with location. My husband could meet someone there and direct them.

Shame, that's No 3 on my pic ... which is actually a Restricted Byway, so not legal to drive without proper permissions. If it had been No 2 that's a Byway ... see pic, which I've also confirmed via Trailwise 2 (TW2) The link takes you to the track, but I don't know if you'll be able to see it.

Not my call, but if Police say it's OK, personally I'd help, though I'd say it's entirely up to whoever might respond. Sorry, I don't think LZ should recommend recovery ...

Where it is, at this stage , is irrelevant. No one has offered any help, as yet.
Recovery is the only option, unless you want to leave it to be burnt out?
Legally, of course!
This of course is the moment everyone gets on their high horse and starts condemning inexperienced loons for taking ill equipped vehicles to illegal places. 'Most' would walk away and turn their backs on the afflicted but once in a while..........................
If you e got man flu it wont be a recommendation that keeps you at home!!!!!.....infact I'm surprised you can even type!!!! :D:D
Dunt sound like shes got a sniffle. I think shes pulled a sicky. Thats wimmins for ya. :rolleyes:
This of course is the moment everyone gets on their high horse and starts condemning inexperienced loons for taking ill equipped vehicles to illegal places. 'Most' would walk away and turn their backs on the afflicted but once in a while

Dunt sound like shes got a sniffle. I think shes pulled a sicky. Thats wimmins for ya. :rolleyes:

Nah, s'truff, I went in and was all snotty in the office and they said 'feck of 'ome you germ ridden git' ... they do love mme so ...
At the risk of sounding all sensible and grown up, it is likely that most of those contacted are at work until later this afternoon.

With sunset getting earlier Day-by-day, assuming one of our mob responds, the light could have failed and I’m not about to advocate a single vehicle recovery solution in the dark.

@CR2018 I would strongly urge you to contact a professional recovery outfit and get them to carry out the recovery.

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