At the risk of sounding all sensible and grown up, it is likely that most of those contacted are at work until later this afternoon.

With sunset getting earlier Day-by-day, assuming one of our mob responds, the light could have failed and I’m not about to advocate a single vehicle recovery solution in the dark.

@CR2018 I would strongly urge you to contact a professional recovery outfit and get them to carry out the recovery.

2 have said they couldn't do it, 1 wanted more than the car is worth and waiting to hear back from another.

They believed they were ok to drive down there. If nobody on here can help will try the local farms. I've managed to find a number for one now.
2 have said they couldn't do it, 1 wanted more than the car is worth and waiting to hear back from another.

They believed they were ok to drive down there. If nobody on here can help will try the local farms. I've managed to find a number for one now.
1) that is not surprising.
2) no-one has said they cant help..... No-one local has replied yet.
For the benefit of the OP

So the update so far is;

We have been asked for help. The car has been abandoned until recovery can be organised.
Money offered but we dont take any as this implies a commercial recovery and its legal implications.
We have contacted all nearby members and are waiting their opinions.
With the information freely given (by a green lane specialist) the lane may have been given an order restricting vehicle access (unbeknownst to the afflicted).

What do we do now.

Wait for the local members to report in with suggestions, their local knowledge and advice with regards to a safe and legal tow out.

I am sure the OP is sympathetic to our position and will happily accept the outcome as they simply asked for assistance and like me could do without reading half a dozen pages of condemnation and criticism. I doubt the suzuki cross over website has such a thing as a green lane section never mind a band of extremely experienced and helpful members willing to put themselves out without personal gain but that is what this very popular section is for.
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What do we do now......... Wait for the local members to report in with suggestions, their local knowledge and advice with regards to a safe and legal tow out.

All we can do.
As a side note and being entitled De Villes Advocaat, I have no doubt yet another oik buying a banger and rallying around the countryside on road tyres with little regard for legal status or safety miffs many of us off. Indeed its this kind of behavior that risks stopping those equipped to do the journey and take green laning as a serious leisure activity. It seems to be the main excuse for local authorities to close lane after lane.

Its also a bleedin suzuki....................

Yea, as you were. Rip em to shreds :p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p
At the risk of sounding all sensible and grown up, it is likely that most of those contacted are at work until later this afternoon.

With sunset getting earlier Day-by-day, assuming one of our mob responds, the light could have failed and I’m not about to advocate a single vehicle recovery solution in the dark.

@CR2018 I would strongly urge you to contact a professional recovery outfit and get them to carry out the recovery.

A local farmer would probably pull that out for 50 quid if they have time. It doesn't look a particularly challenging recovery, in fact I am surprised they got stuck in the first place.
Sadly I'm missing quite a lot of bodywork and a sizable amount of structural steel presently or I would have popped up tonight, if no other options avail then maybe Sunday?
Pikeys up to no good again?
Not this time :)

Started the strip and repair but am just so busy it's getting neglected and I'm also mindful of neighbours with small children so won't make a lot of noise after 7 which is nice of me but doesn't give me much time by the time I get back from work :oops:

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