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1997 4.6 HSE 124 k auto
Car was going lovely and started on flick of key.
Few weks ago it suddenly started not starting sometimes.
Engine turned over fine but wouldn't catch
Other times was as normal
Changed plugs as they hadn't been changed for ages and old plugs looked spot on for colour etc.
It still starts perfectly most of the time and really badly some times.
I have nano but what should I be looking for?
Is there a fuel filter on a V8?
Happens when hot or cold sometimes and starts normally when hot or cold too
Is there a fuel filter on a V8?
Happens when hot or cold sometimes and starts normally when hot or cold too
There is on the older one's, don't know the year they stopped fitting them.Have a look underneath,it's fitted o/s forward of the tank if you have one.
my 2000 has no fuel filter and as I found out a lot of companies will sell service kits which include a fuel filter even when you don't need them !!!
my 2000 has no fuel filter and as I found out a lot of companies will sell service kits which include a fuel filter even when you don't need them !!!

I've always added one if the car didn't have one. Probably over the top but cheap for piece of mind.
Thanks Alan and Grrrrr
Just checked and mine has no fuel filter either Ruby
Its probably a good idea to fit one I admit as I am usually using supermarket petrol.
I don't have lpg btw
Was thinking about fuel filter and/or pump on mine. It doesn't like starting period. Have to feather accelerator to keep it showing 1000rpm for 10 or so seconds, then it will jump up in revs to about 1700 and after that, all's well. Does it cold or hot. Plugs, leads, etc all 'happy' with, but I'm thinking fuel issue. Once started and settled runs and behaves itself.
Zorro this is obviously not correct and so there is an issue which needs sorting. Mine starts on the button even if sat unused for a week or two and will run at bout 1100 rpm for a few seconds and then sets to a steady tick over of 750 > 800 rpm. No feathering throttle or little tricks.
I will try Zorros trick next time
Mine sounds like a fuel issue but cant figure out why when it only plays up sometimes and when running is as sweet as a nut, Mpg has dropped a smidgen methinks too
I don't know what to look for on nanocom
I admit is has been tempting
But would hate to offend her and then she wont start at all
Yes I think so
Don't notice she is slower
Battery is qute new and I can turn her at normal speed for quite a while
So far has never started to spin slower as battery flattens. Always starts eventually so far
Don't ca' her constantly but a few turns at a time then rest a few seconds
As she spins she does get faster I must admit but I thought that was just cos the inertia had been built up
When she refuses to start I can stop turning her over, have a cigarette and she starts first time as usual
Get any whining from the S/M?

Is it going through the usual warm up prog - circa. 20s at 1200 then drops back down to normal idle?

Can you go into more detail on the rough starting - just turning over, trying to catch, black smoke when she finally starts etc
No whining just sounds normal
Yes runs fast for a bit then sits at about 600, - 700 rpm
Just turns over with no attempt to fire, no black smoke but a faint smell of petrol when turning over.
Ok, would have a look at ignition side then - possible loose connection to coil pack. Sounds like she has all pre conditions to start so probably won't be anything like CPS etc. (That been said its running sweet most of the time...)

Has it been stripped down/any work been done to it recently?
Thanks for help Falk
Coil pack as in the thing that all the HT leads are connected to and doesnt look like the way a coil should look?
No work done
Changed plugs but was done after the starting problems.
Checked engine in the dark and no disco light show

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