got your pm rhino and will sort that out tomorrow afternoon. did you forget that i dont have a back on me beast..... think i have found the perfect shed and fence panels... reasonably local and can probably make it into the full length of the house......

Cheers buddy - if yer gettin gthe bits collected, lemmie know - i'll find summat to wrap them in to keep them safe ;)
It's been one of those weeks this week.
Fitted the replacement injectors and some other bits and bobs, which managed to prove one thing without a doubt: The head needed to come off >:/

Spent a "happy" 45 mins draining the lump, pulling off parts, undoing bolts and pipes, then one small hernia later the head was on the bench, and i was looking at a headgasket that was incorrectly fitted, and a set of ****ed inlet valves.

So even though I've leapt forward in the early stages, it seems now i'm taking massive strides backwards to sort this engine out. ah well, "C'est La Vie" as i'm told they say in some country or another :D .....

Needs 4x new inlets, a new gasket, and for all the valves to be lapped PROPERLY not just shoved in, and lapped using (what looks like) a drill on full speed.

Pics, just cos this thread is officially dull ATM.


At least i've got most of the paint done, just the sides, wings, doors and tailgate to finish, then i can put most it back in one piece and start bolting stuff back in place properly.
Sorry, i'm a bit **** - i've been a bit bogged down ATM with service calls at work, and not been finishing until late.

Things have come screaming to a mahoooosive halt ATM.
I'm waiting on some parts - most of which are bits I need to fit in order to move on to the next bit of work.... kinda stuck in the proverbial "hard Place" at present...:rolleyes:

I'll find some time to chuck what limited progress i've made on Smidge later tonight when i'm back in from the garage :D
Yeah, i'm still here Tom :D Wish I had more time to crack on properly, but it's all delay, Work, delay, Work, Work, delay and more bloody work ATM >:/

I promised an update, so here it is ;)

I've been quiet, but not completely idle. Managed to get the Head back on the lump - we found the gasket was incorrectly fitted, AND the bolts weren't properly tightened, and the valves had been lapped previously with what looked like a drill and some road grit :mad:

Whipping the gasket off showed no3 wasn't sealing properly, and blowing into no4, plus the valves weren't properly seating.

1 gasket, 4 Valves and 5 hours of cleaning and hand lapping later the head was back on and ready to test for was a LOT better, but still not great.
Tied it down to the distro pump in the end, so shoved it on the clean bench for a partial strip - turns out the Auto advance unit had ceased up, so a quick clean and it again improved output greatly.

Still not right, slight intermittent misfire which moves around, and it's still dumping a bit too much, so i've sourced another one ( Thanks Sam! ), rather than shoving it on the testrig and faffing around for hours.

I've decided to replace the exhaust, seeing as this problem has been ongoing befoe I even got my hands on it - the box and pipework is probably saturated with diesel and oil.

Apparently, Bonnet hinges and hoseclamps can double up as intermediate exhaust mounts...

Nice clen underside, 70% done...

Prizes for my new game, "Where's the landy" :D

Got some painting done, and started on the doors and new hinges, too... Annoyingly, most of the Galvanizing is borked, so i'll have to paint all the cappings until such time that I can afford to get it all re-done.

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Lots of progress to say you not been busy jared. I been on mine solid for about 3 days and just dont seem to be getting anywhere. Not got internet at mo but will update mine with photos and progress when i up and running.
Bloody tinterweb - mines been a bit iffy of late, too.

Propshafts, exhaust studs, N/S door hinges, O/S Wing and a bumpstop back on today. Plus i've fitted a wading pipe to the flywheelhousing, ready for when he's back on the road.
I think you're making blinding progress there mate! :) Keep it up - I need to update my build thread, it's almost bodywork time!
Rolled Smidge out onto the driveway today. Why ?
To whip the rad off, and get the timing cover off... andwhy ?

Cos the fapping emissions are still ****e, and since fitting my replacement pump, the irregular mis-fire i had is now a LOT more noticeable, and shows the smoke following the misfire. So at least i can carry on with the diags.

It ain't the pump, injectors, the head, head gasket, or valves.

sooooo Whipped the timing cover be greeted by a moderately slack chain. Set the timing.....and its aboot 4deg out...and all the gears can i put it....****ed. Someones been in there surprise there, really.

Pics to follow while i'm fitting the new bits ;)
Been busy - spending more of my already stretched budget.....
New timing chain and gears, new valves, new head gasket, timing is now cock on, new Injectors, a second test distro pump....
Engine is STILL smoking like a ****, although it is running smoother now.

Only summation now is a crack or damaged bore / rings, ferked head or the pump is uttery shagged and in need of a (very expensive) rebuild. Al expensive summations.

Sooooo, options are:

Rebuild the pump - £500 appx
Shove a 200 lump in - £600+extras appx
Put another 2.25 lump in - and end up rebuilding the ****ing thing - £400
Shove a Petrol lump in there instead and regret it later... £400

Anyone got a petrol or diesel lump in good condition they want to flog me for a "good price" ?

If not, then it's Time to finish the bodywork and running gear, and call it a day methinks. :mad::(
So I decided to give the block one last test, as i'm buggered if i'm going to give up on this engine without trying everything in my arsenal.
So as a final "lets just check" idea, used an old injector to make a basic leak tester....



We only got to 15psi, and the bores started ****ing air into the oil pan. ****ing hell...head off again then......

Rings are well worn, and very badly gap-set.
ironically, the old head gasket and exhaust valves were ****ed, so replacing them has actually helped to diagnose the hidden fault.

Pistons are +0.764 with .030 rings.... which kinda baffles me TBH......

This'll be the last thing I try before ripping it out and shoving summat else in...
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nice one mate, me not done too much with anything just lately, spending time between building garage, shed, fence, dogs, parrots and not a lot else, got a message about 10 mins ago about collecting the roof tomorrow, sent him a message and will let you know as soon as i know something...... if not ok will you let me know by text or email
cheers mate (dont know any times at mo either)
Well, after some debating today, and countless engine related setbacks, i've come to a decision:

I'm selling up :( I can't justify spending anymore cash on Smidge. It's just not an option anymore.

If anyone would like my Series, which only needs cab rear quarter glass, lights, seats, doortops (i've got the glass), and either a rebore / 200tdi conversion, drop me a PM with a sensible offer.

It'll go on Ebay once i've finished the paint and a few other bits.
understand your frustrations ive an 88 which did run all be it with a rather loud knock, but now refuses to start full stop hence the 2.5 into series three thread...
:eek: :doh: :crazy: :frusty: :blah: :mil47: :mil90: :mil78: :mil38: :5bpuke: :5bchillpill: :der: :wtf: :focus: :fish: :Cry: :screaming_bug_eye_f

Don't do it. Have some time off, then go find your dummy and revisit the beast. I feel the same all the time. You have put too much in, to get such little out. She will be worth it when she is done. Rip the lump out, finish the body work while saving for a 200.
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So after calming down a bit, i remembered that Max offered me a petrol lump - which i've decided to take while I tear the doozil lump apart and find the problem.

Onwards and upwards, lads. onwards and upwards.

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