Haha, first thing that popped into me eed looking at that is the Plume O Feathers again
Tis ok ter drive int pitch black with them there led bars powered due to conditions. Eye can appreciate why as eye put me high beam ont if needed when doing the same. But yer must turn em oft when there's another car coming the other way.
If you have a bloody great light bar and it's wired through the main beam circuit
I have a smaller light bar wired to come on with main beam.
you're asking for trouble, and rightly so
Why should being able to see safely on a dark road get someone into trouble, especially when it's perfectly legal to have auxiliary lights. :confused:

I'm not too sure of the point of light bars other than to say LOOK AT ME.
er no. More like LOOK I CAN SEE.:mad:
I'm 61 and my night vision ain't what it was but I can still drive in the dark on unlit country roads with just my ordinary headlights.
Good for you. Now drive off road in the poring rain, trying to avoid stumps and low branches on standard main beams, then see how you get on.
Why do folk need need football stadium lights to see where they are going?
because they flood the area in front of the vehicle with bright white light. It makes driving safer, so what's wrong with that.:confused:

I thought there were rules about how high and how far apart addition lights such as fog light needed to be, so how do light bars get around that.
There are rules about fog lights, because those are switched on when other vehicles are about. ;)

Auxiliary light bars are wired into the main beam circuit, so are off until main beams are selected.
Claiming these led light bars as auxilarly lights is an eggscuse to get round the rules on a technicality
The rules are clear about auxiliary lights.
I dun't like it when they're fitted and wired to headlights.
Auxiliary lights should be wired to main beams only. This makes sure they're off, unless main beam is on.

If peeps want to fit them they should do so with a switch independent of the headlights.
That's illegal as they don't extinguish automatically.:confused:

Blinding peeps with led light bars tis annoying. Eye dun't like i
They won't blind anyone if they're used correctly.

Modern LED lighting on cars is much worse at blinding on coming traffic, by comparison to correctly used light bars.

I'm not a fan myself but opinions vary on what's practical or what looks good. Nothing make me cringe more than a Hippo with a light bar bodged onto the bonnet.
My LED bar looks neat and does plenty to keep me seeing safely when I need it.
I disliked being dazzled and one of my pet peeves is people who flash at night to say thank you on dark rural roads especially if they have HIDs and I wouldn't appreciate it from an led light bar either
I agree, but modern-day LED headlights are more dangerous, as they're more widespread than the odd 4x4 with a light bar.

Having a light bar tastefully placed on the grille means that I can recklessly drive away excessive speed at night and at least identify the species of the animal before I hit it.
Absolutely, although I drive slowly. ;)
I had a switchable bank of spots on the roof of my Disco and found this hazardous because you have to flick to low beam and also reach for an independent switch to turn off the spots - often resulting in dazzling an oncoming driver or not paying attention to the road.
some things improve our lives, for me a light bar makes driving across the moors at night waaaaaay way way way way much safer.
I put a couple of spots on the roof rack of me 109 wired to mains but only cuz I have a small winkie :p Dint like the bonnet glare much so I put a switch in between main beam and spot relay and rarely used them.

Me ambulance has bumper spots as standard and they're great aimed slightly lower and wider than main beam. I can see more, not any further but how fast do you think I'm gonna go with her fat arse wobbling about? :D
Tis ok ter drive int pitch black with them there led bars powered due to conditions. Eye can appreciate why as eye put me high beam ont if needed when doing the same. But yer must turn em oft when there's another car coming the other way.

Absolutely. IMO LED lighting bars used correctly are much safer than those horrible blue tinted and illegal HID conversion bulbs that Golf driver's seem to like fitting to there lights these days. Those HID conversion bulbs are bloody lethal to oncoming road users.
Absolutely. IMO LED lighting bars used correctly are much safer than those horrible blue tinted and illegal HID conversion bulbs that Golf driver's seem to like fitting to there lights these days. Those HID conversion bulbs are bloody lethal to oncoming road users.

When I first started driving a few years ago I honestly thought there was something wrong with my eyes driving at night and people's headlights :oops:
Ok then... if eggstra lights have to switch oft when the high beam switches oft... how about this as an alternative:

Eggstra lights have some cross coupled relays with a press to make switch to turn them on when the high beam is on. They're then latched on by their own relay contact. Switch won't do anything when the high beam is oft. A push to break switch wired int series with said relay coil to switch oft the eggstra lights whenever they're on.

The above would allow yer to drive normally and flash someone without the eggstra lights automatically coming on with the high beam. If yer do want the eggstra lights on with yer high beam then yer switch on the high beam, then press and release the on switch... eggstra lights now come on. When yer want them oft either press the oft switch or turn oft the high beam.
When I first started driving a few years ago I honestly thought there was something wrong with my eyes driving at night and people's headlights :oops:
I get a similar problem. When I was a nipper I always wondered how drivers could see at night as the headlights coming towards yer are so bright. The optician told me my eyes are more light sensitive than most, which is why they tend to blind me more than others.

When I was on the roof there were a few cars going past with light bars lit. Local chavs ont parade. I knew they were coming because of the eggsauce noise. It's only when yer up high looking down yer realise just how bright these light bars are. The road is well lit by lamp posts so there's no need to have the bars on but the fekers get away with it. They lit the roof up anorl.
Ok then... if eggstra lights have to switch oft when the high beam switches oft... how about this as an alternative:

Eggstra lights have some cross coupled relays with a press to make switch to turn them on when the high beam is on. They're then latched on by their own relay contact. Switch won't do anything when the high beam is oft. A push to break switch wired int series with said relay coil to switch oft the eggstra lights whenever they're on.

The above would allow yer to drive normally and flash someone without the eggstra lights automatically coming on with the high beam. If yer do want the eggstra lights on with yer high beam then yer switch on the high beam, then press and release the on switch... eggstra lights now come on. When yer want them oft either press the oft switch or turn oft the high beam.

Why over complicate things? Put a standard SPDT on the main beam feed to the aux lights relay.
Switch on + Main beam = main + aux
Switch off + main beam = main only
Why over complicate things? Put a standard SPDT on the main beam feed to the aux lights relay.
Switch on + Main beam = main + aux
Switch off + main beam = main only
There's lots of options to do it. As long as they don't dazzle me am happy.

The good news is the local chav won't be driving for a while.
As long as they can only ever be lit with main beam circuit, jobs a goodun
Not ideal for me. My circuit switches oft the eggstra lights if you:
switch them oft
or switch the high beam oft
or switch the engine oft

That way the next time yer put the high beam ont, or flash someone, the eggstra lights stay oft automatically. Yer have to choose to power them up again when high beam is ont if yer want them ont. A relay and switch int series won't do that. Yer could leave it in the wrong position ready to put them on during a flash.
My point, they should only ever be lit when main beam lit, no problem putting a switch in, powered from main beam circuit to isolate light bar.
‘‘Tis very simple !!
I have a 300tdi disco. Winch bumper. Snorkel. Light bar. All sorts of mods. So my wife is in hospital at the moment. Just given birth. Pre eclampsia etc... So on the way back from the hospital the other night. I see a car with no lights on. So i flash them. The light bar is wired into full beam. I flashed them quickly. Then only to see a police car behind them. Next thing i know i have been pulled over. To a police officer opening my passenger door. Saying 'do you wanna tell me what you think your doing' i replied 'what do you mean'
He says 'you have blue lights your impersonating an officer and a police vehicle. The only reason you flashed that car is to make them think you are a police vehicle . That is a major offence which will be dealt with in court. And prison time'

He then goes through the whole insurance. Licence. Check everything. All is fine. He then wants to send an officer to my house to check i have removed the lights. My house being 20 miles away. He then changes his mind. (probably becauae its a complete wastw of time) he tells me he is putting me in the system and if i get pulled again. Im straight to court. The lights are white. Not blue They arent blinding i have never had an issue before. He also told me im going to kill someone. As i will flash them and they veer off rhe road and die. Thats on my conscious . He also told me he had been tailing the car i flashed for a few miles. And it was my fault they got away. What i want to know ia though .. Did i get the old bill thay knows nothing . He gave me no official notice to remove the lights. Are the lights legal? They are the same colour as any bmw vw mercedes bmw. There is no intent to impersonate. And how can a 25 year old disco impersonate police!!!

This is what happens when people get bullied at school and join the police.
Wish them luck trying to prove any offence, bluff and scare tactic, total bollocks.
If i see you again................ yea right PMSL..........
He never said they were capable of "flashing" as in strobe effect did he?, I understood he flashed them a couple of times, in the same way anyone can flash their headlights.

all emergency vehicles white lights flash 'Wig Wag' ie left then right, even the 'machine gun' strobes, and up down.
We have not had left and right in unison flashing since since 1985..............
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