Couldn’t you have just explained your hand accidentally hit the flash button due to you having had half a bottle of vodka.

I’m sure he would have understood.
It seems to be ok for car manufacturers like VW/Audi and BMW to fit next generation laser systems to their vehicles in place of headlights these days....what the hell are they doing about that ???

I agree. After a few years driving with one cataract and all the glare that produced :rolleyes::rolleyes: :mad::mad::mad: .... and then my other eye going the same way ..... I had both lenses "done" - fantastic .... and I thought... great, now I can drive at night without all the glare etc.,

I have never been more wrong - the feckers have increased the power of headlights to the point where just about everyone I know describes them as you do - even me (#1) daughter - who's 35 :eek:
I have a 300tdi disco. Winch bumper. Snorkel. Light bar. All sorts of mods. So my wife is in hospital at the moment. Just given birth. Pre eclampsia etc... So on the way back from the hospital the other night. I see a car with no lights on. So i flash them. The light bar is wired into full beam. I flashed them quickly. Then only to see a police car behind them. Next thing i know i have been pulled over. To a police officer opening my passenger door. Saying 'do you wanna tell me what you think your doing' i replied 'what do you mean'
He says 'you have blue lights your impersonating an officer and a police vehicle. The only reason you flashed that car is to make them think you are a police vehicle . That is a major offence which will be dealt with in court. And prison time'

He then goes through the whole insurance. Licence. Check everything. All is fine. He then wants to send an officer to my house to check i have removed the lights. My house being 20 miles away. He then changes his mind. (probably becauae its a complete wastw of time) he tells me he is putting me in the system and if i get pulled again. Im straight to court. The lights are white. Not blue They arent blinding i have never had an issue before. He also told me im going to kill someone. As i will flash them and they veer off rhe road and die. Thats on my conscious . He also told me he had been tailing the car i flashed for a few miles. And it was my fault they got away. What i want to know ia though .. Did i get the old bill thay knows nothing . He gave me no official notice to remove the lights. Are the lights legal? They are the same colour as any bmw vw mercedes bmw. There is no intent to impersonate. And how can a 25 year old disco impersonate police!!!

If you have a dash cam, then, having watched it and made sure it is safe for such use, I'd send the footage to the chief constable - if you don't, then I suggest it's about time you did have one ;)
In all honesty I thought there were more chance of winning the postcode lottery than seeing an actual police car in its natural habitat, in fact they are becoming so rare I'm surprised we aren't being asked to pay £3 a month to save them from extinction.
In all honesty I thought there were more chance of winning the postcode lottery than seeing an actual police car in its natural habitat, in fact they are becoming so rare I'm surprised we aren't being asked to pay £3 a month to save them from extinction.

Gloucestershire constabulary are trying to raise support for an additional police surcharge on council tax.

They are doing a survey on FB about whether people would be happy to be charged an extra £2/month.
Gloucestershire constabulary are trying to raise support for an additional police surcharge on council tax.

They are doing a survey on FB about whether people would be happy to be charged an extra £2/month.

Oh, Amur leopards, Orca whales or Glowsestershia constabulary o_O
Incidents like this are disappointing because they dilute the respect most of us have for the police. During my years of driving for a living I encountered two such officers, one was a young constable with bum-fluff on his chin driving a panda like he was in the 'Sweeney' & the other a long serving (I assume judging by his age) traffic cop who should have known better than to argue the toss about (alleged) speed with a tachograph. Normally my only gripe about coppers is that they are conspicuous by their absence.
Your device not got a chell specker then?
Me computer puts wiggly red lines under wurds it dun't agree is spelt right ont lz. Me phone tries to change wurds automatically so I has ter delete an spell it wrong again ont lz. I has added me own spellins int dictionaries int both of em. :)
Me computer puts wiggly red lines under wurds it dun't agree is spelt right ont lz. Me phone tries to change wurds automatically so I has ter delete an spell it wrong again ont lz. I has added me own spellins int dictionaries int both of em. :)

You too thought it was just my devices doing
Me computer puts wiggly red lines under wurds it dun't agree is spelt right ont lz. Me phone tries to change wurds automatically so I has ter delete an spell it wrong again ont lz. I has added me own spellins int dictionaries int both of em. :)

At this point I'm undecided as to whether you actually have a computer problem, or are just taking the p...
Is that in the same way VW met emissions approvals on their diesel cars :p
Yes. In the case of lights there's less risk of anything dodgy going on unless there's colour control they dun't tell the certifier about. In the case of the emissions scandle the certified tester carried out tests set out fer him to do. If they passed then it was said to be ok but he dint know the car was fooling him and therefore giving unrealistic results. Less chance of that happening with lights but yer never know. Ma hippos boot matt doubles up as a magic carpet but there's no mention of it int sales brochure. ;)
If you have a bloody great light bar and it's wired through the main beam circuit, you're asking for trouble, and rightly so. I'm not too sure of the point of light bars other than to say LOOK AT ME.

If you have a bloody great light bar and it's wired through the main beam circuit, you're asking for trouble, and rightly so. I'm not too sure of the point of light bars other than to say LOOK AT ME.


If they are “auxiliary” lights, they are meant to be wired to the main beam.

Why else would anyone fit extra lights? Maybe extra lighting when driving?
I still don't get it. I'm 61 and my night vision ain't what it was but I can still drive in the dark on unlit country roads with just my ordinary headlights. Why do folk need need football stadium lights to see where they are going? Also. I thought there were rules about how high and how far apart addition lights such as fog light needed to be, so how do light bars get around that.

Why do folk need need football stadium lights to see where they are going? Also. I thought there were rules about how high and how far apart addition lights such as fog light needed to be, so how do light bars get around that.

They are useful if driving off road at night. Which very few people do.
Well they are not fog lights for one , is how they get around that. Look at HGV's a lot of them , brand new have high level lghts from brand new.


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