
Well-Known Member
For Randonnee's 20th birthday SCOR is running their popular event a little differently; in three section with a twist. Using the roads and green lanes of Wiltshire and surrounding counties the event will consist of three sections.

Section 1 - Saturday will see drivers covering 50 or so miles with the maximum useage of BOATs. There will be an evening BBQ at the Bustard Inn

Section 2 - "The Twist" Instead of the 2.5 hour eveing section the course will run on 100 miles of roads not normally used, thanks to permission from the MoD and Landmarc. The route will run from 7pm Saturday until 2am Sunday with a 'midnight curry'.

Section 3 - This will be another 50 miles route similar to Section 1.

There are prize for, 1st to 10th place, best looking vehicle, best looking crew, extra mile award, sprit of the event and the wooden spoon award for last place.

Places are limited to 50 vehicles and closing date for entries is the 31st of August. Full entry is £90 for a vehicle and crew of two. SCOR club membership is also required; you can sign up on the day.

PM or email me if you would like an entry form and/or technical regs regarding your vehicle......but basically any green lane ready LR will be more than adequate.
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