I might do another Bakewell bash sometime ...

In Derbyshire, field behind a pub, very little other than the laning, needs organising 'cos people will pay me when they turn up ... All I'll provide is a small crappy gazebo, but if others bring more, they'd be welcome .. :)

And as I've done this before I can re-use parts of some routes and switch around others so even the organising isn't much .. anyone that's been to Derbyshire knows the scale of routes I make up, I can tailor some for 'nutters' or for 'None scratchy' but all are scenic, sometimes technically challenging but mostly driveable by anything from a Freelander up .. Almost all have some foliage overgrowing the lanes, rarely scratchy though 'cos the hard Hawthorn is not usually on 'my' routes .. unless you want it .. :)
I might do another Bakewell bash sometime ...

In Derbyshire, field behind a pub, very little other than the laning, needs organising 'cos people will pay me when they turn up ... All I'll provide is a small crappy gazebo, but if others bring more, they'd be welcome .. :)

And as I've done this before I can re-use parts of some routes and switch around others so even the organising isn't much .. anyone that's been to Derbyshire knows the scale of routes I make up, I can tailor some for 'nutters' or for 'None scratchy' but all are scenic, sometimes technically challenging but mostly driveable by anything from a Freelander up .. Almost all have some foliage overgrowing the lanes, rarely scratchy though 'cos the hard Hawthorn is not usually on 'my' routes .. unless you want it .. :)

That sounds good, and we will try and make it this time. It would help if it was early or late in the year so the traffic is a bit less heavy.
No worries about the thorns, I will be in NBs vehicle! :D

If you are going, we will call in and see you at Peterborough anyway. :)

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