No pics yet as i was too busy still, but today i fitted a boost pin, replaced the boost hose from the turbo to the fuel compensator, upped the boost (only a smidgen!) and its getting really good now.
It kept blowing the god damn downpipe off though, so I've had to put a small tack weld on to hold it in place. The little bracket on the exhaust which would bolt to the engine doesn't line up with anything at all so i guess its not original. No matter.
Didn't get around to fitting the intercooler as I was sorting the rest. But that is the next job, along with its new LED headlights and then i need to go pick up this trackman top for the back.
Just went to see rogue one at the cinema in it, and it is so much faster i actually went into corners waaaayyy to fast with it as i am not used to the damn thing. Very pleased!
Being able to actually use the outside lane of the motorway is refreshing!