Aren't you going to need some castor correcting arms then?! That's going to hurt.

I'm interested in your spring choice - how did you choose? I'm thinking ahead a bit, but I too want a plush ride and my corner weights are all going to be way off standard. I have found that I have an interweb friend who does ride and handling for a very good manufacturer, but first hand LR knowledge is probably better....
Nah I'm going to go down the corrected swivels route. Less angle in the propshaft.

For mine I just found the original spring rate and reduced it by 40lb/inch and went for fixed rate (not progressive springs) the rears were the worst as they had additional helper springs and we're completely ott for what I use it for. It was fine with a tonne in the back.

Now o can do speed bumps without being thrown out of my seat!

It's also important to have decent dampers though. If the compression damping is too much it can't react fast enough and the energy is transmitted into the chassis instead of being absorbed by the springs.

I'm a fan of the terrafirma big bore dampers, the welding on them is spot on and they give a really nice ride on both the larger defenders I've had them on. Might be a bit harsh on a lightweight 90.
Corrected swivels? You mean modified balls? I didn't know anyone still made them - had a conversation with a supplier who told me that they used to have some but he hadn't seen any for a while.

Thanks for the springs thought. I'll do some digging and some sums.
Britpart do them now. About £250 ish.

With yours, I'd get it on a set if scales to find your individual corner weight's, then calculate the springs for say 3" of sag when it's empty.

That's my guess anyway.
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Fitted the new suspension, roof rack and light guards to the 130 at last. Ignore the fact the chassis crumbling.... that's a safety feature

(temporarily removed pics as it was being annoying!)
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ive also just started using some wireless noise cancelling headphones. Good god, they transform the 130 into eerie rangerover quietness
ive also just started using some wireless noise cancelling headphones. Good god, they transform the 130 into eerie rangerover quietness

Which ones did you go for?

As long as you remember to look for nee-naw machines ...

Not illegal thankfully. I asked a policeman because I had some Sennheiser bluetooth 'phones inside a pair of ear defenders when I had my Series III. If you think about it you be completely deaf and drive, so there's no real difference.
Blimey, did Stevie Wonder MOT it?

Hope the rest of the chassis isn't as bad as that front section.

nah from the bulkhead back its pretty good.

And one of the outriggers on the front will never rust. (its made of cereal packets and filler!)

Ill be replacing the front dumb iron and outrigger, cutting out the rot around the front spring mount and sorting that, and then... fingers crossed... we should be good!

Also its desperate for a new turbo as its utterly shagged now.

Will get a bigger intercooler, probably replace the rad as its looking rather sorry for itself, a new axle on the front (as its severely corroded also and itll be easier to just bolt another on) also wants the transfer box replacing... bulkhead completely replacing... seatbox... ummmmm

triggers broom?
Got distracted rebuilding this this week

Well the 130 is very poorly, its blowing out thick smoke like a tank and is dog slow.

Suspect - the turbo is shagged. Theres no increase breathing from the inside of the crankcase (it seems anyway) and the turbos making a right old wheezing noise. Its also a bit tight to spin, so.... its my best guess.

So, rather than get wound up rebuilding the entire thing, and being too tight to buy a complete un' ive gone to the halfway house of buying a cartridge unit - £80 inc postage.

So this weekends job is to rebuild it and get it bolted back on. Fingers crossed for some half decent weather.

Basic guide is here but I wont have to do the more fiddly bits. :)
Well the 130 is very poorly, its blowing out thick smoke like a tank and is dog slow.

Suspect - the turbo is shagged. Theres no increase breathing from the inside of the crankcase (it seems anyway) and the turbos making a right old wheezing noise. Its also a bit tight to spin, so.... its my best guess.

So, rather than get wound up rebuilding the entire thing, and being too tight to buy a complete un' ive gone to the halfway house of buying a cartridge unit - £80 inc postage.

So this weekends job is to rebuild it and get it bolted back on. Fingers crossed for some half decent weather.

Basic guide is here but I wont have to do the more fiddly bits. :)

I take it as a given you've checked the hoses ?
aye' I replaced them with 5 ply silicone ones too...ready for an upgrade ;)

The noise being emitted isn't a "im a flappy hose with a split" its more a "my thrust bearing is proper fooked" noise

not helped by me having up the boost.... quite a bit.... ahem.
Is that the middle housing, shaft and impellers - and all balanced for £80? That puts turbo failure in a completely different light doesn't it?
aye' I replaced them with 5 ply silicone ones too...ready for an upgrade ;)

The noise being emitted isn't a "im a flappy hose with a split" its more a "my thrust bearing is proper fooked" noise

not helped by me having up the boost.... quite a bit.... ahem.

Even checked the little boost hose ?
Is that the middle housing, shaft and impellers - and all balanced for £80? That puts turbo failure in a completely different light doesn't it?
yup - from turbotechnics

cheapest rebuilt 200tdi turbo on tinterweb I could find was £600!

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