Dazza LR2

hi after a gentle green lane yesterday I was driving home after coming out of a very steep side street I lost all revs and power it's turning over but won't fire up. Had to leave her by side of road all night just hoping for advice before I return tonight d2 td5 04 thanks.
I see you've posted before , but maybe no-one has told you yet. This is the Introduction section. Where you tell us a little about you and your vehicle. Problems, issues, queries concerning your vehicle need to be posted in the correct, relevant section. More chance of help
Welcome to the forum
Hi and welcome, just going to ask the obvious here, the little needle in the box with a petrol pump in it, wasn't anywhere near the red bit at the bottom was it?

If so then it is possible that you've just run out of diesel when going up the incline ;)

Remedy, buy a fuel can and put some diesel in it.

If this doesn't help then I'm stumped o_O :confused:
Hi and welcome, just going to ask the obvious here, the little needle in the box with a petrol pump in it, wasn't anywhere near the red bit at the bottom was it?

If so then it is possible that you've just run out of diesel when going up the incline ;)

Remedy, buy a fuel can and put some diesel in it.

If this doesn't help then I'm stumped o_O :confused:
Having a good Saturday DD? ;)
PS. with a thread title like that I was half expecting this to be a fred about a cheating spouse "out with the girls" who then comes home stinking of Old Spice and can barely walk let alone sit down :eek:
Hi and welcome, just going to ask the obvious here, the little needle in the box with a petrol pump in it, wasn't anywhere near the red bit at the bottom was it?

If so then it is possible that you've just run out of diesel when going up the incline ;)

Remedy, buy a fuel can and put some diesel in it.

If this doesn't help then I'm stumped o_O :confused:
Hi yes just under half a tank never let it get under a quarter tank
Not bad thanks. Just been to the shop to buy chocolate. Not had any for ages , so lazy Saturday, with chocolate and TV :)

Cool, the Mrs took the baby out for a walk in the fresh air and came home with Terry's chocolate orange bits for me, made my whole month I tell ya :D

Quest Red has a massive weekender for "Say Yes To The Dress" OMG I love that show LOL

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