those proximity sensors are useless in the UK with our carparks it only takes a diddery old girl or dozy woman to not work out its telling you to bugger off and your alarm will be going off in the tescos car park every 5 seconds =/
those proximity sensors are useless in the UK with our carparks it only takes a diddery old girl or dozy woman to not work out its telling you to bugger off and your alarm will be going off in the tescos car park every 5 seconds =/

You just turn them off when in high foot traffic areas and turn them on whilst at home at night etc just press one button on your remote
You just turn them off when in high foot traffic areas and turn them on whilst at home at night etc just press one button on your remote

My neighbour had one of those but it kept going off cos his cat would sleep on the bonnet and set it off. When he found this out he turned the alarm off on a night, two days later the car got knicked never to be seen again! I personaly would have just strangled the cat!!
My neighbour had one of those but it kept going off cos his cat would sleep on the bonnet and set it off. When he found this out he turned the alarm off on a night, two days later the car got knicked never to be seen again! I personaly would have just strangled the cat!!

Lol bloody hell i would have killed it, as i say never had any problems with mine had cats birds etc on it.
take out the floor pan and rest the rubber mat over it (series and defenders), not fatal, just a twisted ankle.
make a life size cardboard cutout of your landy, place it where you usually park yours and park the real thing hidden under the nearest large hedge... sorted! ..ish.. ;)
make a life size cardboard cutout of your landy, place it where you usually park yours and park the real thing hidden under the nearest large hedge... sorted! ..ish.. ;)
Someone's been watching blazing saddles again!:D
Make a device that cuts the theifs F!*@ing legs off - they came to immobilise you and then, ironically, you immobilised them...............feel free to add any legal advice!:D
I hfail to see how cutting their legs off... AND giving them legal advice will help. Surely one or the other would be a more sensible approach!
To add to this clearly lovely thread :D

Mace spray made from washer jets hidden in the sunshades and a washer pump on ignition I for the driver and passenger with a detachable canister so there is no chance of firing while the real owner is at the wheel.
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To add to this clearly lovely thread :D

Mace spray made from washer jets hidden in the sunshades and a washer pump on ignition I for the driver and passenger with a detachable canister so there is no chance of firing while the real owner is at the wheel.

WOW! hook that up so it can be triggered by mobile phone or from my wondrous trackinig system and we have a real goer!
Under no circumstances use bleach mixed with battery acid. This could injure someone attempting to steal your property.
Should be pretty straightforward I reckon G-Man... might have toguard against wrong numbers though!
Nice to see one of my ideas procured from drinking may have done some good :D but really if you are going to do this never make a home concoction of chemicals buy the legal stuff.
Under no circumstances use bleach mixed with battery acid. This could injure someone attempting to steal your property.

I would never try this, i am sure it is illegal. It is just very unfortuanate that i keep an open bottle of bleach above a small vat of battery acid in the footwell of my landy. And even more unfortuanate that there is a mini pyro sat under that which explodes about 1 minute after a door being opened... :p
Incidently, that bottle of bleach does often fall over when the doors opened :rolleyes:

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