does anybody know how it would be do-able other than mobile phone to remotely trigger something via text to set off red smoke bombs in the car. or any other form of gas to make them either a) incapacitated b) want to get out pretty quick.

cheers dave
I have a highly visible steering lock thing, a chain going around a chassis leg to a well buried ground anchor, a security light that could illuminate an entire cricket pitch, 2 very noisy dogs, and it is parked under my bedroom window, where I have a black widow catapult within easy reach :D
does anybody know how it would be do-able other than mobile phone to remotely trigger something via text to set off red smoke bombs in the car. or any other form of gas to make them either a) incapacitated b) want to get out pretty quick.

cheers dave
As daft as it seems, that is really not a bad idea. As long as there are warning stickers informing would-be thieves that the vehicle is equipped with smoke producing anti theft devices, and the devices were not designed to cause any injury, but just to make it extremely unpleasant to remain in the vehicle, then there are no legal reasons why you can't fit such a system. Smokecloak is one such device that is already used in the uk in various forms.
i was thinking of a cs cannister connected to the bonnet pull which is disconnected anyway. you aint even gonna wanna be in the area if that goes off are you?
:( dagnamit i'll take it off then ;)

We used to use these big cartridge things to do fire door checks on blocks of flats. They would fill a house in minutes and non toxic. Have to look them up. They were great for asylum seeker evictions :D
electrify the inside of the door handle and have it run on the central locking or alarm so when its turned off the handle is safe to touch another good one my mate does on his farm is fishing line a big metal bowl with a pin and a shotgun cartridge who ever tries is going to be in pain and wont do it again
does anybody know how it would be do-able other than mobile phone to remotely trigger something via text to set off red smoke bombs in the car. or any other form of gas to make them either a) incapacitated b) want to get out pretty quick.

cheers dave
Well I know that it would be simple to do it from my system... the basic circuitry is already in place.

Electrifying fdoor handles n things is a dodgy proposition and completely illegal. Anything that might impair the driving of a potential thief is also a problem unless it is designed to fire before the car is started. This is because your device could cause the driver to have an accident. Should the driver have an accident and it be shown that you caused it then you are personally liable for any damage to people or property (including the thieving little toerag in the driver's seat.)
Electrifying fdoor handles n things is a dodgy proposition and completely illegal. Anything that might impair the driving of a potential thief is also a problem unless it is designed to fire before the car is started. This is because your device could cause the driver to have an accident. Should the driver have an accident and it be shown that you caused it then you are personally liable for any damage to people or property (including the thieving little toerag in the driver's seat.)

Well a clutch claw or disklok could seriously impair the driving of the thief, if he decided to continue with those devices still in place.
That is true - it ain't me that makes the laws. I do qualify my observation by saying that if the device is in place prior to starting the vehicle then the problem does not apply.

a disklok or clutch claw is in place and obvious before the vehicle is started. Applying devices that interfere after the vehicle is moving is a different proposition.Electrifying the vehicle is the same as assault. Not my rules so don't shoot the messenger!
does anybody know how it would be do-able other than mobile phone to remotely trigger something via text to set off red smoke bombs in the car. or any other form of gas to make them either a) incapacitated b) want to get out pretty quick.

cheers dave

you could use some kind of RF transmitter at your home and a RF receiver in the Landy, then if it's out of range and engaged the smoke bombs activate.

If you go with this you'd need a mains powered, battery backed up system for the transmitter.

Problem, as with all these ideas, is the one time something really bad happens and you need to get somewhere fast (loved one injured or a like) is the time you complelty forget to disable your own security system and end up in a far worse state as you'll already be worked up and in a rush, last thing you want is a cab full of red smoke holding you up too.
I'm no technical wizz kid, but maybe there's a way to wire up a recording to come through the speakers saying loudly and continuously "THIS VEHICLE IS BEING TRACKED" at 3 to 4 second intervals.
Obviously the owner would have to have a secret switch to turn it off before starting the engine, otherwise it would drive you crackers, but maybe the set up would allow it to stay armed until this was done. Just thinking if the thief had a jammer or such like he would mistakenly think it had done its job until he started the engine. Theory would be that he would then start to panic and ditch the car straight away..........................or have I been watching too many episodes of Mission Impossible !!! Obviously only applicable if the vehicle was going to be started and driven away in the theft.
I'm no technical wizz kid, but maybe there's a way to wire up a recording to come through the speakers saying loudly and continuously "THIS VEHICLE IS BEING TRACKED" at 3 to 4 second intervals.
Obviously the owner would have to have a secret switch to turn it off before starting the engine, otherwise it would drive you crackers, but maybe the set up would allow it to stay armed until this was done. Just thinking if the thief had a jammer or such like he would mistakenly think it had done its job until he started the engine. Theory would be that he would then start to panic and ditch the car straight away..........................or have I been watching too many episodes of Mission Impossible !!! Obviously only applicable if the vehicle was going to be started and driven away in the theft.
its a fine idea - they have trucks that announce when they are reversing do they not?

Personally , if I were to do this... I would have a small transmitter in the keyring that contains my keys. If the transmitter is not present when the engine is started then the announcement starts.

I would also add the possibility of triggering by trembler or tilt switch.:D

However. These things are only viable if someone is willing to pay for them. IN my experience - so many people are wililng to pay out thousands for their vehicle but balk at anything more than a fiver on security.
sky tag roof markings


harder to remove than normal stickers ,easier to track via cctv and old bill helecopter if up,i know its bit after horse has bolted but i believe you make it as hard as possible for them to succeed,coupled this to ryders tracker unit ,and disklok,plus disc locks to doors ,it can only make it harder,next clutch claw...
That is true - it ain't me that makes the laws. I do qualify my observation by saying that if the device is in place prior to starting the vehicle then the problem does not apply.

a disklok or clutch claw is in place and obvious before the vehicle is started. Applying devices that interfere after the vehicle is moving is a different proposition.Electrifying the vehicle is the same as assault. Not my rules so don't shoot the messenger!
I see it that you need to do 4 things.
1/ Stop then getting at the LR.
2/ Stop them getting in the LR
3/ Stop them using any controls, ie, steering wheel/brake/clutch
4/ Stop them moving it.

1/ In a secure compound or garage
2/ Double up on door locks, (dead bolt Yale locks ?) secure the windows so if they break a window, then thats teh way they need enter teh LR, with difficulty.
3/ Wat about a modified Disklok, ie, with a welded on steel hinge, which could locate under the clutch pedal? will be a bit unwieldly, but will do the job.
4/ Imobilise the engine and or anchor the vehicle?

It's only a few alternative views on how you guys can hold onto your pride and joy.

I am sure a smoke can could be set to detonate if the vehicle is moved at more than 5mph, or at a predetermined distance from the parked position.
I am sure a "transmitter/receiver" could be employed.
The transmitter in your home, and the receiver in your LR.
When teh receiver no longer receives the signal, ie, out of range, the "boom" smoke every where, providing speed below 5mph, ie, a magnetic reed switch behind the speedo.
Or a huge air horn, with a air receiver, the battery is holding teh electric air valve shot, lose the power, ie , mess with the battery, and teh air receiver self discharges to the air horn.

I wish there was a better way, but while LR are so easily broken for spares, then there inherrent unreliability, is always going to ensure a volatile market for spares.

Maybe a full size disklok, with 2 x hinged "drop arms, one for under the clutch, one for under the brake, ?

You are up against that causality law again though - if someone nicks your landy and drives off down the road.... then a smoke bomb goes off at a predertined time resulting in them having an accident - you are liable for any death or injury they cause whether to themselves or anyone else.
I've thought about fortifying the under seat battery box of my defender (steel plate lid with heavy duty lock) and then fitting an isolator inside (to save disconnecting the +ve terminal) - has anyone done this?

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