I've thought about fortifying the under seat battery box of my defender (steel plate lid with heavy duty lock) and then fitting an isolator inside (to save disconnecting the +ve terminal) - has anyone done this?

That doesnt really help because both the +ve and -Ve cables run out of the seat box underneath the landy so laying on your back under the landy you can cut both cables. Therefore doing exactly the same as you would be disconnecting the battery
I wonder what the legality of rigging up an alarm mine within the interior of a vehicle would be?

You know, those little cable-triggered spring-loaded devices fitted with a blank shotgun round that makes rather a loud bang.

I can't imagine many would-be tealeaves would be up for seeing through a theft attempt with a concussive shockwave like that ringing in their shell-likes!

A nice thought in theory but, of course, I'll bet HM Constabulary would have something to say about the resulting jibbering shell-shocked crim.

One can but dream......
I wonder what the legality of rigging up an alarm mine within the interior of a vehicle would be?

You know, those little cable-triggered spring-loaded devices fitted with a blank shotgun round that makes rather a loud bang.

I can't imagine many would-be tealeaves would be up for seeing through a theft attempt with a concussive shockwave like that ringing in their shell-likes!

A nice thought in theory but, of course, I'll bet HM Constabulary would have something to say about the resulting jibbering shell-shocked crim.

One can but dream......
See my earlier posts about responsibility for causality!
Dont know if this helps but my disco is parked on the drive with the windows and sun roofs open,the dogs went in the pond again the weekend then in straight in the car it sinks. I dont worry too much about the car being nicked 3 douge de bordeuex sleeping
about 8 foot from it they weigh between 10 and 11 stone a piece.
When I get the disco I'm gonna do a fair bit for security, I'm thinking to start with I'll probably get one of these: Lifeline Quick Release Weld-On Formula Boss

And one of these: Autolec Mini Battery Isolator Switch

Plus putting the starter motor on a hidden switch. And an alarm.

dont want to put a downer on the boss,but ive seen reports of thieving scum using mole grips to steer when wheel removed..i have disklok,2 big disc padlocks on each front doors,sky tag roof markings,isolator,dog guard,tracker.and ime still paranoid,,l.o.l
my freelander is protected by a 40kg alarm system with teeth

You could probably leave your freelander with the doors unlocked, keys in the ignition and windows open in the dodgyiest part of Manchester and it would still be there when you came back, i really wouldn't worry about it, free landers are not desirable vehicles. in any sense.
I spose it saves letting the missus into the house.;):D

i`ll tell my wife later :D:D

You could probably leave your freelander with the doors unlocked, keys in the ignition and windows open in the dodgyiest part of Manchester and it would still be there when you came back, i really wouldn't worry about it, free landers are not desirable vehicles. in any sense.

my little sis has had her car broken into which was on her drive in a not so bad area of manchester quite a few times over the last couple of years
The best one I have come across costs just penny's and works !!

Fit an hidden fuel tap -turn it off when left - hoodlem comes car will start he gets 200yds cuts out !! wony stay around to fathom what the problem is :eek:

'no Fuely No Go ee !!!! :)
The best one I have come across costs just penny's and works !!

Fit an hidden fuel tap -turn it off when left - hoodlem comes car will start he gets 200yds cuts out !! wony stay around to fathom what the problem is :eek:

'no Fuely No Go ee !!!! :)

but tows just the same as any other car.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
but tows just the same as any other car.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

I had an escort cosworth which had trackers alarms and gods knows what all active at the time it took a walk however it only walked yards by which time it was very conspicuous thieves (bandits) left it even though nobody at home at the time !!:crazy_driver:

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