on a serious note i have noticed that there is an easy way of fitting a fuel pipe shut off valve practicaly anywheree on me series 3 diesel and the outrigger is in a great place on the drivers side for some kind of steering wheel lock made from an old acro prop to drop into the floor and hook over the steering wheel kinda like an internal driveway bollard built into the landy floor
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why not a stink bomb and when they press the gas pedal it goes off. I think with some other safety stuff they won't nick it
i am toying with the idea of a simple circuit fed from a relay running via a micro switch on my ignition cowelling that blows the main fuses if said cowel is removed shuting down the entire vehicle

who in the hell is gonna be on the rob and think to carry a pocket full of spare fuses then bother to mess about with them finding the blown one
i am toying with the idea of a simple circuit fed from a relay running via a micro switch on my ignition cowelling that blows the main fuses if said cowel is removed shuting down the entire vehicle

who in the hell is gonna be on the rob and think to carry a pocket full of spare fuses then bother to mess about with them finding the blown one
blowing the main fuse seems a bit severe. Haven't thought about it too much but there must be another way to do this. Latching isolator relay perhaps?
what about a circuit basically zero current when activated, would make terminals appear live, but not activate circuit- could use a normally closed/ normally open relay and throw in rfid if you wanted fancy
what about a circuit basically zero current when activated, would make terminals appear live, but not activate circuit- could use a normally closed/ normally open relay and throw in rfid if you wanted fancy
build that circuit into box and you have something saleable:D

Just read all of this as I'm looking at security on my new Landy.

In the past I have worked with car thieves (no I'm not one of them) and they told me they could steal anything, all you ever buy is time.

So I am wondering whether that is the way forward. Not one super expensive system, just lots of things which will take time. They find one thing and get round it and on to the next. If one of the things makes a noise so they get noticed all the better and a visible one like the steering wheel lock.

I suppose you might get fed up disarming all of them every time you get in, but mine is not in daily use so it might be worth it.

So my new mission is to see how many legal security measures you can fit in a 90, garage and drive.

Did wonder whether my portable electric fence energiser would be illegal, it doesn't cause injury, it does give you a belt though. A sticker saying "electric fence" on the outside perhaps :D :D
12v high output sounder something like a 'mini-mite' alarm sounder,

YouTube - Syrens- Carter Minimite 12V Test.

A push to make switch under drivers seat base with a permanent live feed and a discrete switch to deactivate it.
Shut landy and lock it, turn switch on, scum break in, sit in drivers seat and get DEAFENED by 120dB? (I think you can get em up to about 190dB...)
Disconnect bonnet pull put transit locking on.

Cuts off on everything

Personal alarms hidden so pull bonnet pull 128 decibels in a confined space.
Disconnect bonnet pull put transit locking on.

Cuts off on everything

Personal alarms hidden so pull bonnet pull 128 decibels in a confined space.

The unit across from ours has a siren/Hooter about the size of a 2l flask. That makes your ears 'crackle' from about 100 yards, that in the seat box?...
I wonder what the legality of rigging up an alarm mine within the interior of a vehicle would be?

You know, those little cable-triggered spring-loaded devices fitted with a blank shotgun round that makes rather a loud bang.

I can't imagine many would-be tealeaves would be up for seeing through a theft attempt with a concussive shockwave like that ringing in their shell-likes!

A nice thought in theory but, of course, I'll bet HM Constabulary would have something to say about the resulting jibbering shell-shocked crim.

One can but dream......

See my earlier posts about responsibility for causality!

But if the mine(s) where set to go off on entry or something you had to do before you started driving and the mine wasn't positioned to cause harm, maybe that would be ok...
(like put gear stick in 4th, wire the mine to the stick and you have to move it from 4th before you drove off or towed it. or on opening the door maybe)

I just love you idea of them ****ting themselves when one or two 12 bore blanks went off . ;)

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