And you ask why people don't like you ??

Like Fook I do?? I know why peeps don't like me. I'm hung like a Donkey, Have mountains of charisma, an IQ that makes Einstein & Da vinci look fick. And looks that make wimmin swoon..

Well faintings the same as swooning int it?:D?
Like Fook I do?? I know why peeps don't like me. I'm hung like a Donkey, Have mountains of charisma, an IQ that makes Einstein & Da vinci look fick. And looks that make wimmin swoon..

Well faintings the same as swooning int it?:D?

Wifey has made cupcakes for group Boomer.



UPDATE....burrito moved to blue beasty group :5bdrool5:
Like Fook I do?? I know why peeps don't like me. I'm hung like a Donkey, Have mountains of charisma, an IQ that makes Einstein & Da vinci look fick. And looks that make wimmin swoon..
Well faintings the same as swooning int it?:D?

Yer deaf and dislexus t**t. :doh::doh::doh:

They said....

'You have a face like a donkeys, Have the charisma of a dwarf leaping to his death from the top of a mountain, Shoulda gone to B &Q to get yer paint cos yer bedroom wall now looks like einsteins doodles after Da vinci painted it thinking it wuz a colouring book.... And looks that makewomen pretend to be dead so that you won't stop and talk to em'

For anybody passing J16 or 17 on the M4...

A village petrol station about 6 miles from either junction is due a delivery tonight. Normally their stock lasts about a week, but they anticipate it lasting 2 days at the least... Meaning its very VERY likely (hate to say 'definite') that it will have diesel tomorrow morning.

Anyone interested, I'll PM you the location.
just done the last service to prep for tomorow bacon sarnies on the order form for the misses to make in the morning at 6 lol
Yer deaf and dislexus t**t. :doh::doh::doh:

They said....

'You have a face like a donkeys, Have the charisma of a dwarf leaping to his death from the top of a mountain, Shoulda gone to B &Q to get yer paint cos yer bedroom wall now looks like einsteins doodles after Da vinci painted it thinking it wuz a colouring book.... And looks that makewomen pretend to be dead so that you won't stop and talk to em'

Poor little redhand people feel sorry for you as you are a northerner
One day you will go home
i can be trusted dunno bout the others tho,play it safe i will look after all of them for ya;)
A generous offer but I suspeck BB, as our group leader (do we bow? :p) would be *most* upset not to have charge of the BB group cake. :D

Glad I filled up last week - we won't go more than 250 miles will we? The V8 would need "topping up" otherwise :doh:
Right looks like im in people. :)

Have everybodys bits and bobs in the back so thats not a worry.

Will address the no fuel issue tomorrow if there is a problem. :eek:
sssssshhhhhh dont tell mud for it but ive only made that run once in my v8 bobtail with both lockers on..

but fair play he did have a go even if it was me and jase that ended up knee and arm deep in mud trying to find recovery point:)

Agree fair play to Mud-4-it. I think a tractor would have struggled through their seeing how soft the mud was.

I'm sure someone will give it a go tomorrow, could be interesting !

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