dropping like flys:eek:

fail to prepare....then prepare to fail..

Theres nuffink i can do. :(

I have doozil to come down, but unless anyone can get me 60 litres of doozil guaranteed to get me back then im doomed for a life as cannon fodder on the plains! :eek:
Do you mean 'a bit' though, or LOTS?

Never seems to be much middle ground with some people!
mmmmm dunno what would u call this lots or a bit?

wayne tried n failed:D:crazy::D

With no strike and all the tanker drivers still working as normal they will want to get all the forecourts back up to a reasonable level because people will still travel. Supply and demand. And they have got enough to supply so no problem.
On another note I'm ok for fuel so will be there :D

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