first thing james if you dont like it dont fookin come.Organising this and putting up with peoples pedantic comments and silly childish attitudes is really beginning to **** me off.

I and the other group leaders have offered our time and experience to give people an enjoyable day out.As you were not out on last laning trip and did not experience the 'who is in charge' day. I believe you are yet again talking out of your arse.

Tell you what James whay dont you ****ing take over ?

I leave it up to you tosser
it wasnt aimed at you or anyone in particular just a vibe i picked up recently rightly or wrongly if you dont ask you dont find out , ive asked very few questions or made any demands which i wouldnt anyhow ,and havent whinged, lz is bigger than a few mates as it may have been a few years ago ,grow up
it wasnt aimed at you or anyone in particular just a vibe i picked up recently rightly or wrongly if you dont ask you dont find out , ive asked very few questions or made any demands which i wouldnt anyhow ,and havent whinged, lz is bigger than a few mates as it may have been a few years ago ,grow up
dont tell me to grow up. Your childish ramblings are the usual source of irritation.

like I said if you dont like it.............
Do I need to choose a groupe to go in or dose no one want me :Cry:

I wanna go in stinky71's groupe, so long as Clarke don't start goose stepping, if so I'll go with baggyJim

But if I don't get a decent run of work I wont be able to afford it, I was supposed to be in moo job by now but been ****ed off so the future is uncertain for me atm:(
why are you taking exception to me ,my childish ramblings compared to what your intellectual input on many threads,i was rather hoping it might be a chance to meet some people not stroking your ego
im happy to come and meet people and later see the new forest etc but were not playing im in charge are we

ive been to plenty of things spoiled by some vying to be in "charge " instead of just enjoying themselves ,i was just checking :)

dont tell me to grow up. Your childish ramblings are the usual source of irritation.

like I said if you dont like it.............

And for your information the the 'i'm in charge' bit will consist of us all meeting up,taking the **** out of each other.Group leaders probably 2 at a time will line up.Groups will leave and have a fun day out.

I hope thats not too formal for you James .
why are you taking exception to me ,my childish ramblings compared to what your intellectual input on many threads,i was rather hoping it might be a chance to meet some people not stroking your ego
stroking my ego ? I've kept very quiet and sorted things out in the background.
So please explain stroking my ego ?
stroking my ego ? I've kept very quiet and sorted things out in the background.
So please explain stroking my ego ?
you probably have im sure ,probably done a very good job and if everthing works so i can get there and have a good day i would be very appreciative, as i normally in such situation ,
you probably have im sure ,probably done a very good job and if everthing works so i can get there and have a good day i would be very appreciative, as i normally in such situation ,
i've had some sugar and kicked the clio and am back to my normal happy self :D
Looking forward to meeting everyone.

BTW when I spack out for no reason tell me to go eat something as I was nearly hypoing thats why I made no sense :eek:

Group pikey

pikey & minty

Group Mud-4-it / WLM

The V8 Man
CJ The V8 Mans mate

Group Boomer

MHM & crew

Group BB

blue beasty
BIG_GINGA_BEARD and mrs beard.
Snifflebag (with cake)
Fatboy 11
Deasy83 and mrs deas and doggy deas
DJ Xan
110 pauly

Group BJ

Kooky Guy
Ratty & Ballast
Vagrent and poopy dog

Group S71

thought it was mine!(plus "it is mine)

Group Bucks


I have put up a pretty much final list of groups now. If you want to swap groups or have any concerns then please either PM any of the group leaders and they will try to resolve it for you.

Have a great day out all :D:D:D
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Think about it from another angle, some of us simply do not have the time or energy of an evening after getting up at half past 5, working all day then spending all evening working on our trucks and getting in the house for dinner at 10 to then go on the comfuser and chat on here. I'm not saying that's everyday but logging onto the internet doesn't usually come too high up the list when I spend the day sat in front of computer anyway!

I can see where your comin from here

Whilst working on our trucks at the same place as Buckshot (Skyways place) He mentioned this trip to us months ago and he was going to speak to S71 to organise a trip to The Plains at the end of March, hence S71 posted it on here and Bucky became a leader.

so why didnt you come online and put your names on the list like the rest of em... before last min i may add... ya know like when it was just lists and not group lists..that way each person on that list had a fair chance of goin and goin into a group they wished to..

Also would you not rather introduce laning to some more people and actually socialise with them in person rather than whinging and bitching about Buckshot putting our names up on our behalf?

it aint about introducin more peeps lanin, as im sure the peeps on buckshots list have done it before...

Regardless of whether we were 'allowed' into a group we were going up that weekend, it just seemed like a 'nice' idea to meet some of the people I haven't seen for a long time and introduce a few more to the Plains and to you lot but I have to wonder what's the point?! :mad:

But see my point/opinion, your names have gone on this list.. regardless of how many was on it..a bit like we is goin anyway so we dont need to put names down.. .. basically we have lost a group leader which makes us one down, which means we share the peeps on the list between the others and therefore possibily more peeps to each group, which some peeps aint fussed about, but others are.

Has it not occured to you that you have dismissed the etiquette of lanin least some peeps have the decency to ask if there is room for them....
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The list is set and everybody please calm down

Im calm and yu should know by now.. i speak my mind... if i have an opinion everyone is entitled to it, and thats my opinion. It will not change my plans to come down, eat cake, and give you, daft and Mr Ratty a big :hug: :D
like I said if you want to swap groups pm a group leader and we we happily move you where you want to go :D I just wanted to clean up the thread
like I said if you want to swap groups pm a group leader and we we happily move you where you want to go :D I just wanted to clean up the thread

Dirty double crossing, 6 toed, web footed, jelly lipped dorset inbred.:mad::mad::mad:

I see that you've made sure that there will be no food anywhere near me.:mad::mad::mad:

All I get is a turd to stroke.:mad::mad::mad:

You best put someone who's bringing food in my group or I'm gonna swap yer map for a colouring book again so that you get lost.:mad::mad::mad::D
Dirty double crossing, 6 toed, web footed, jelly lipped dorset inbred.:mad::mad::mad:

I see that you've made sure that there will be no food anywhere near me.:mad::mad::mad:

All I get is a turd to stroke.:mad::mad::mad:

You best put someone who's bringing food in my group or I'm gonna swap yer map for a colouring book again so that you get lost.:mad::mad::mad::D
and fooking miles away from me :5bparty:

Group pikey

pikey & minty

Group Mud-4-it / WLM

The V8 Man
CJ The V8 Mans mate

Group Boomer

MHM & crew

Group BB

blue beasty
BIG_GINGA_BEARD and mrs beard.
Snifflebag (with cake)
Fatboy 11
Deasy83 and mrs deas and doggy deas
DJ Xan
110 pauly

Group BJ

Kooky Guy
Ratty & Ballast
Vagrent and poopy dog

Group S71
Activity information- straight up to the planes.

thought it was mine!(plus "it is mine)

Group Bucks


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