Well anyone who hasn't picked a group is welcome to come with me. I'm not fussy. As long as they're LZ members... and on the above lists..
:confused: Obviously the ones that aint in a group yet aint allowed in his :rolleyes: they were maybe on the list but in invisible writin :rolleyes: think its a bit of a cheek meself...
i concour with you mints if splash sash or gash want their own group fine by me but how many of em are regular on here
Ratty and Ballast
Vagrent and poopy dog

thought it was mine!(plus "it is mine)


Group pikey

pikey & minty

Group Mud-4-it / WLM

The V8 Man
CJ The V8 Mans mate

Group Boomer

MHM & crew

Group BB

blue beasty
BIG_GINGA_BEARD and mrs beard.
Snifflebag (with cake)
Fatboy 11
Deasy83 and mrs deas and doggy deas
DJ Xan
110 pauly

Group BJ
.Baggyjim and daughter
.Kooky Guy

Group S71


think this looks better, so if those in the unallocated section at the top put their names in empty spaces all will be sorted :)
ffs fill up the other lists first

I has been told orf by MiniMilf. She dun't wanna share me wiv anyone else :eek: :eek:

Have been threatened wiv NO CAKE!!! :eek: :eek:

OK so one of them statements is made oop. But I int saying which one :D
Ratty and Ballast
Vagrent and poopy dog

thought it was mine!(plus "it is mine)


Group pikey

pikey & minty

Group Mud-4-it / WLM

The V8 Man
CJ The V8 Mans mate

Group Boomer

MHM & crew

Group BB

blue beasty
BIG_GINGA_BEARD and mrs beard.
Snifflebag (with cake)
Fatboy 11
Deasy83 and mrs deas and doggy deas
DJ Xan
110 pauly

Group BJ
.Baggyjim and daughter
.Kooky Guy

Group S71


think this looks better, so if those in the unallocated section at the top put their names in empty spaces all will be sorted :)

Agree baggy....he has offered to lead on ere but take his own friends in his group.. and fook the lz members...:rolleyes: so why couldnt he just organise his own trip...
Agree baggy....he has offered to lead on ere but take his own friends in his group.. and fook the lz members...:rolleyes: so why couldnt he just organise his own trip...

I think he just has :( but hey we still got cake :) he can bring his own group and do his own thing, its just not a lz group, but agree its very disrespectful of organisers and people who been on list for a long time:mad:
I think he just has :( but hey we still got cake :) he can bring his own group and do his own thing, its just not a lz group, but agree its very disrespectful of organisers and people who been on list for a long time:mad:

:5biagree: :( aye... good thing we aint short of leaders for ratio of group numbers... :rolleyes:
Far as I can see it's S71's gig, for this outing he's the boss and what he says goes. Its up to group leaders to support him and make the task easier.....it's complicated enough as it is.

Nobody had to sign up as a leader for this trip but if you did then lets just do what's being asked.....If you don't like it then do it differently yourself another time.

Meanwhile there's plenty of fun waiting to be had....
Far as I can see it's S71's gig, for this outing he's the boss and what he says goes. Its up to group leaders to support him and make the task easier.....it's complicated enough as it is.

Nobody had to sign up as a leader for this trip but if you did then lets just do what's being asked.....If you don't like it then do it differently yourself another time.

Meanwhile there's plenty of fun waiting to be had....
im happy to come and meet people and later see the new forest etc but were not playing im in charge are we
who the f11k are they and when did they put their name down:rolleyes::confused:

Think about it from another angle, some of us simply do not have the time or energy of an evening after getting up at half past 5, working all day then spending all evening working on our trucks and getting in the house for dinner at 10 to then go on the comfuser and chat on here. I'm not saying that's everyday but logging onto the internet doesn't usually come too high up the list when I spend the day sat in front of computer anyway!

Whilst working on our trucks at the same place as Buckshot (Skyways place) He mentioned this trip to us months ago and he was going to speak to S71 to organise a trip to The Plains at the end of March, hence S71 posted it on here and Bucky became a leader.

Also would you not rather introduce laning to some more people and actually socialise with them in person rather than whinging and bitching about Buckshot putting our names up on our behalf?

Regardless of whether we were 'allowed' into a group we were going up that weekend, it just seemed like a 'nice' idea to meet some of the people I haven't seen for a long time and introduce a few more to the Plains and to you lot but I have to wonder what's the point?! :mad:
can i be in charge in my own vehicle? Please i can work the CB all on my own now:behindsofa:

Jamesmartin, your still in control outside the vehicle when it all goes wrong. :D
can i be in charge in my own vehicle? Please i can work the CB all on my own now:behindsofa:

Jamesmartin, your still in control outside the vehicle when it all goes wrong. :D
ive been to plenty of things spoiled by some vying to be in "charge " instead of just enjoying themselves ,i was just checking :)
ive been to plenty of things spoiled by some vying to be in "charge " instead of just enjoying themselves ,i was just checking :)

I know what you mean.

I just ment when they all break down. :D its bound to happen to someone. not that i want to curse anyone :eek:
first thing james if you dont like it dont fookin come.Organising this and putting up with peoples pedantic comments and silly childish attitudes is really beginning to **** me off.

I and the other group leaders have offered our time and experience to give people an enjoyable day out.As you were not out on last laning trip and did not experience the 'who is in charge' day. I believe you are yet again talking out of your arse.

Tell you what James whay dont you ****ing take over ?

I leave it up to you tosser

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