Nice one Pikey, great day out.........and 110woman.........I got a complaint, you gave me a squashed cake and I dont want to hear any rubbish about using it as a buffer to protect Rattys glass on the way home :mad:;)

Oh an Ta Cereal71 anorl.........geting lost has never been so much fun :D
I knew exactly where I was when I looked at the map :D Great views of the Wiltshire countryside I deliberately drove us around ;)
thanks to all for a great day out!!

I've just made it home from picking the baby up and all that, dont have many pictures, but have some video footage as I had the gopro runing.... will post as soon as possible!
Are you on a promise tonight as a reward for getting it home in one piece?:p
mrs s71 thinks 110woman is fantastic for the cake ! When I got through the door she was pouring me a cold beer and had a mcdonalds waiting for me :D:D:D
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mrs s71 thinks 110woman is fantastic for the cake ! When I got through the door she was pouring me a cold beer and had a mcdonalds waiting for me :D:D:D

You mean the burger or a big, hairy ham-fisted Scotsman?........just checking

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