Mud tyres fitted, Steering guard (inc recovery points) fitted. Rear receiver tow hitch fitted properly.. All set and ready to go. :D :D
rustyhow you're more than welcome to tag along. We are meeting at the mcdonalds on the A31 in Ferndown.Be there at 0600 for a pick up :D
Big thanks to Redhand, Pikey for organising the trip and everyone else for being there. Great to meet so many folks even though I have immediately forgotten your names and faces - need to meet at least 3 times before my senility is overcome and I remember. :confused:

Special Big Thanks and :welcome: to 110Woman for being a total superstar with the cake - seriously yummy and Ratty didn't get them all :D

Sorry to have missed the second half, and hope everyone had a great time.
A great day out and I didnt break anything ! Here's the only piccy I took !
Seconded, big thanks to all that made the trip happen.

110 women you're a star for not just supplying the cake but also giving us 1 to take away.

Hope we can do it again sometime.
That was a great day, thanks to Redhand, Pikey & Minty for arranging it. Thanks to 110 for the cakes and special thanks to BaggyJim for being our group leader. I don't think I have ever had so much fun in my Landy. I think I broke something at the end on the last mud run but not sure what, just lots of vibration. Hopefully a good clean might sort it out.
Yup - same as above thanks for Pikey for taking all the flak, Minty for giving it:D and a huge round of applause for 110woman who made ALL of those cakes - thats certainly more than we expected, travelled half the countryside to deliver them and then spent half the day on her own with no CB. Pics coming up in a min or 3.

Oh - and a sigh of relief to Series71 who actually got around all day and home again :D
I'm back home now anorl.:)

Did your group make the services ok MHM?

Thanks all for a great day out. Cheers muchly 110woman for the cakes. You are a star.:)

It was good to meet some new peeps and some old ones. :)

I'll try and upload some pics in bit.
great day out always good to put names to faces. I KNOW what ya look like now ya fookers.. :D And great to meet old faces again. Couldn't believe Vaggy & Badger went dogging on the way down :mad:

Fanx for Cake 110. I got a bit worried when I saw ratty walking away from ya 110 with an hammer & crowbar and a cake in his hand.
great day out always good to put names to faces. I KNOW what ya look like now ya fookers.. :D And great to meet old faces again. Couldn't believe Vaggy & Badger went dogging on the way down :mad:

Fanx for Cake 110. I got a bit worried when I saw ratty walking away from ya 110 with an hammer & crowbar and a cake in his hand.

Well you said that I ought to persuade her to let me have some cake.:eek::p
a few pics for yooz.....



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