1) pikey & minty.. (let the peaches juggle) confirmed - 1 CAKE
2) zan79 confirmed - 1 Cake
3) gordon [zan79's bf (in his p38) confirmed - 1 Cake
4) series71 confirmed - 1 CAKE
5) ratty and ballast. confirmed - 2 CAKE
6) dorsetvoguese Cant remember how I got here but - confirmed
7) blue beasty. confirmed 1 and a bit- CAKE
8) 110woman confirmed 1
9) Badger -Confirmed (fat fooker will eat anything) CAKE
10) the mad hat man & party - confirmed - 3 or 4 CAKE
11) mud-4-it. Confirmed - 2 -CAKE
12) jp - confirmed -2 CAKE
13) kooky_guy - confirmed - 1
14) baggy jim - confirmed 1 CAKE
15) snifflebag - confirmed 2 CAKE
16) the v8 man - confirmed
17) rustyrangie -confirmed- NO CAKE
18) fatboy11 - confirmed 2 (well 1 & half really) CAKE
19) ludachris - confirmed
20) snoopyjon - confirmed NO CAKE
21) wilts landy man - confirmed 2 CAKE
22) Vagrent - confirmed CAKE
23) MSeries3 - confirmed 1 CAKE
24) tazz - confirmed 1 CAKE

possibilities:/ reserves
jim matthews
Martin 1512 - confirmed

This is a warning- cake requests only open for another 12 hours then I'm off to buy ingredients and it'll be too late- there are still 4 by my reckoning not decided one way or the other
1) pikey & minty.. (let the peaches juggle) confirmed - 1 CAKE
2) zan79 confirmed - 1 Cake
3) gordon [zan79's bf (in his p38) confirmed - 1 Cake
4) series71 confirmed - 1 CAKE
5) ratty and ballast. confirmed - 2 CAKE
6) dorsetvoguese Cant remember how I got here but - confirmed
7) blue beasty. confirmed 1 and a bit- CAKE
8) 110woman confirmed 1
9) Badger -Confirmed (fat fooker will eat anything) CAKE
10) the mad hat man & party - confirmed - 3 or 4 CAKE
11) mud-4-it. Confirmed - 2 -CAKE
12) jp - confirmed -2 CAKE
13) kooky_guy - confirmed - 1
14) baggy jim - confirmed 1 CAKE
15) snifflebag - confirmed 2 CAKE
16) the v8 man - confirmed
17) rustyrangie -confirmed- NO CAKE
18) fatboy11 - confirmed 2 (well 1 & half really) CAKE
19) ludachris - confirmed
20) snoopyjon - confirmed NO CAKE
21) wilts landy man - confirmed 2 CAKE
22) Vagrent - confirmed CAKE
23) MSeries3 - confirmed 1 CAKE
24) tazz - confirmed 1 CAKE

I do now declare the cake list well and truely closed :D

If you've missed out you'll have to make do with a slice on the day :)
Can you make a little cake for my little dog? :lol:

Woo hoo, tomorrow:D hope landy stays working:mad:
So far so good:D
Badger will tow me if I have a prob....eh badge?:lol:
I make that approx 32 for food 2moro. I have made a pot of chilli and a pot of beef stew, going to buy some brown and white bread rolls later to go with it all

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