why dint ya pop in and borra my socket then? ;).

cause i didnt realise summat was wrong till i got back the office an drove the disco home. funny vibration rattling thingy made me give the wheel a shake.

oh and there were no lights on the M3 so i drove past as quick as i could before 'summat strange' happened in that there dark place:p
that sounds like a "sorry officer for doing 80 in a 30 limit but i was hurrying home to repair my failed brakes" :rolleyes:
Looks like I'm first back then??

Had a great day out loads of wet stuff to play in A bit too much in D71's case. 1st time I've ever known someone have to wait for the water pressure to equalise before he could open the back door to get at his strops. :D :D Not so sure his H2O conversion had the desired results either. :rolleyes:

We started off with 4 vehicle and picked up a couple of late risers in Wilton :p including SABC in his Gaylander. & despite my best attempts to find the wettest bumpiest lanes the bloody doors refused to fall orf. So god knows how much Gaffa tape he'd used!! :D

All in all a great day out and great to meet all the new faces. A clear sign that LZ is doing something right and attracting plenty of newbies.
just ad a look at the tide mark in me disco.........its 2" below the very top of the seat cushion......the concave bit where my modest arse usually is had a pool of water in it !
just ad a look at the tide mark in me disco.........its 2" below the very top of the seat cushion......the concave bit where my modest arse usually is had a pool of water in it !

Is this why you were wet and cold and in the dark then :rolleyes: :p:p:p
just ad a look at the tide mark in me disco.........its 2" below the very top of the seat cushion......the concave bit where my modest arse usually is had a pool of water in it !

where did ya do the U-boat impersonation?
err dunno ! the usual play place on the plain....where we wentnlast time and it was dry

i would like to point out i didnt get stuck.......my injin just inhaled a couple of gallons of salisbury spa !
err dunno ! the usual play place on the plain....where we wentnlast time and it was dry

i would like to point out i didnt get stuck.......my injin just inhaled a couple of gallons of salisbury spa !

has it hydrolocked?

was it at "submarine ally"?
right some piccies then .......

best group pic i could get


il start off gently, says D71


Pikey has a look, and wonders


you know whats coming ....


"im a little gnome, and i fish in smelly ponds"


"WOOHOO i caught summat"


U572 to base, Sir we have a problem



was a top day out, apart from when i nearly rolled onto me roof!! least i know the tipping point for my disco is past 40deg!!
has it hydrolocked?

was it at "submarine ally"?

It was a glow plugs out and ooooh look at the pretty fountain. :D now lets tow it round the plains for half an hour situation. Of course in the true spirit of LZ we left him to it while we went off and played in the puddles.. :D
right some piccies then .......

best group pic i could get


il start off gently, says D71


Pikey has a look, and wonders


you know whats coming ....


"im a little gnome, and i fish in smelly ponds"


"WOOHOO i caught summat"


U572 to base, Sir we have a problem



was a top day out, apart from when i nearly rolled onto me roof!! least i know the tipping point for my disco is past 40deg!!

Top pics Mark :D:D Me wish I was there :(....ahhh reminded me of when I was there :D.................

But D71 dint get flooded that time :p
Thanks to everyone today for making us welcome..:welcome2 had a great day will load some pictures on tomorrow as the camra is still floating around the back of the landy with the sweet wrappers,once again cheers lads and hope to go again soon:pop2:

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