Go on Git your arse out there in the rain and dark and get it sorted. I have just had to replace daughters exhaust whilst laying in a puddle. Now warming myself up with a bottle of Bells whisky.
Go on Git your arse out there in the rain and dark and get it sorted. I have just had to replace daughters exhaust whilst laying in a puddle. Now warming myself up with a bottle of Bells whisky.

I've just swapped me wheels over & fitted me muds ready for tomorrow. In the dark on a gravel drive using just an hilift to jack it up. Where's his enthusiasm and commitment :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
I've just swapped me wheels over & fitted me muds ready for tomorrow. In the dark on a gravel drive using just an hilift to jack it up. Where's his enthusiasm and commitment :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Any jack is a high lift to you ya feckin dwarf.:rolleyes::p
15 hours spent workin on Zara Phillips' horse box is where my commitment is.

oh and i still dont have a hub nut socket:doh:
15 hours spent workin on Zara Phillips' horse box is where my commitment is.

oh and i still dont have a hub nut socket:doh:

I can bring one to The meet tomorrow if yu wanna come out If we can't sort it yu can allus jump in with me. :cool:
I've just swapped me wheels over & fitted me muds ready for tomorrow. In the dark on a gravel drive using just an hilift to jack it up. Where's his enthusiasm and commitment :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

mite have summat to do with if you dont..... you are seri ass lee in trouble :D
cheers for the offer mate but i dont think it'd make it to the plains, wheels wobbling slightly while its still on the ground so im guessing its pretty loose. if i can pick a socket up in the morning il try an join up by about lunch time cause im only 40 mins away
cheers for the offer mate but i dont think it'd make it to the plains, wheels wobbling slightly while its still on the ground so im guessing its pretty loose. if i can pick a socket up in the morning il try an join up by about lunch time cause im only 40 mins away

No probs Not planning on getting any further north than Chittern anyway So we'll be easy to locate. Will be on Channel 10 if ya got a CB.
yeah finally picked up a new gutter mount for me cb in the week. got D71's fone no aswell so il give him a ring before i leave and get a rough grid for where you are :D
what size socket you need ? I could run one over after work if it helps I am likely to finish arround 12ish
its not a problem for me to go to the local indy's and pick a socket up, i need 1 anyway and stoopid me forgot to order 1 so this is my punishment. hopefully il be back on the road by 11am so wont miss too much.

MHM - just drove past your stomping ground on me way home, its about the same distance as Salisbury :( (and fookin dark an covered in BIG puddles!!)
if ya need the socket ill give pikey mine so you can get it fixed first thing when you all meet up

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