you might want to delete any pics and vids of peeps on the steep little hill as it's off piste and an SSSI. wouldn't want to give the greenies anymore ammo then they already have.

Ere Pikey! Thats smacks of a personal spat, rather than a quiet reminder which might have been better dealt with by a PM. Do you really think a post on a public forum is the best way to highlight a possible error or misjudgement?
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im sure no one would have been any wiser if it hadnt been highlighted..

yes we realised its ten metres of the byway thats why we only stuck around for ten mins.

can i consider myself told off;)
Ok so there is a couple of posts that shouldnt be here :) but dont let this end up bein a :pop2: fred.... I for one have been watchin this fred and enjoyin the pics that peeps have posted. :D
Ere Pikey! Thats smacks of a personal spat, rather than a quiet reminder which might have been better dealt with by a PM. Do you really think a post on a public forum is the best way to highlight a possible error or misjudgement?

Not at all. & I don't do PM's if I've got something to say I always say it in public.

It wasn't a pop at anyone I've been out with other groups and watched em driving in the same place, Just didn't realise at the time that it was an SSSI. At least now peeps know that they shouldn't be driving up there. Better then getting a section 59 notice of MOD or Civvy Plods or upsetting the landwardens.
Ok so there is a couple of posts that shouldnt be here :) but dont let this end up bein a :pop2: fred.... I for one have been watchin this fred and enjoyin the pics that peeps have posted. :D

Its no problem. Pikey and I dont have any "issues" - I just thought there might have been a less obvious way of bringing it to the attention of the laners. Tiz done now.
Its no problem. Pikey and I dont have any "issues" - I just thought there might have been a less obvious way of bringing it to the attention of the laners. Tiz done now.

Yeah I int really the subtle type unfortunately. But as stated It weren't a pop at anyone. I was quite giutted that I had to miss this one as it looks like it was an awesome day out.
what colour you painting it Rich? Does anyone that i have posted vids or photos want them removed? as it seems i have posted some HIGHLY illegal images of activities that never happened ....honest! there was also no groups of 5 or more and we all held hands crossing roads.
what colour you painting it Rich? Does anyone that i have posted vids or photos want them removed? as it seems i have posted some HIGHLY illegal images of activities that never happened ....honest! there was also no groups of 5 or more and we all held hands crossing roads.
lol i like!!!
what colour you painting it Rich? Does anyone that i have posted vids or photos want them removed? as it seems i have posted some HIGHLY illegal images of activities that never happened ....honest! there was also no groups of 5 or more and we all held hands crossing roads.

painting it green..prob coniston green or similar..

i like the vids n pics
that sound cool to me as well! one thing if anyone can help? started the disco up yesturday and had no power to my radio,horn and no lights! ive checked the fuses and cleaned the earths behind the battery as they were the only ones i found. please help if u can as i cant drive when its getting dark!:confused::confused:
that sound cool to me as well! one thing if anyone can help? started the disco up yesturday and had no power to my radio,horn and no lights! ive checked the fuses and cleaned the earths behind the battery as they were the only ones i found. please help if u can as i cant drive when its getting dark!:confused::confused:

pop up and i'll ave a look for you
thats really cool of you to offer but im not back from doing the X-mass vist rounds till boxing day then off visting other family day after lol the joys of X-mass. im free the 31th and the 1st but dont really want to take up ur holiday time with the family.
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