can you boys not be left in the playground for 5 minutes without fighting?!

in D71's defence, it was neither his car failing or his driving skills that caused him to do a gnome impression in that puddle, and it was only a bit of luck and a heavy right foot that got me through it. if he hadnt got stuck then there would be no challenge for the rest of us to make it through, and he took it all in good spirit (mainly cause he couldnt throw the spanners far enuff to his us:p).

now ive said that you can carry on taking the ****:D:D

I heard he had dropped a lit fag and was just making sure it was extinguished properly. Cant be to safe with fires:D:D
I heard he had dropped a lit fag and was just making sure it was extinguished properly. Cant be to safe with fires:D:D

got it in 1 - we didnt have a fire extinguisher cause Pikey nicked um all, an we didnt have a bucket cause Pikey nicked um all an wanted £25 to sell um back to us, so he just drove straight into the puddle. seemed a good idea at the time:doh:

no fire, and he caught a Salisbury Bogfish with his little fishing line!! and you lot are takin the **** outta him, should be ashamed of yaselves:p:D
got it in 1 - we didnt have a fire extinguisher cause Pikey nicked um all, an we didnt have a bucket cause Pikey nicked um all an wanted £25 to sell um back to us, so he just drove straight into the puddle. seemed a good idea at the time:doh:

no fire, and he caught a Salisbury Bogfish with his little fishing line!! and you lot are takin the **** outta him, should be ashamed of yaselves:p:D

See always knew that D71 bloke was full a common sense:D:D:D
Is there any need?..... havin banter/takin the **** out of D71's mishap is package and parcel of the forum, but thats a bit steep :( Im sure D71 is ****ed orf enough without you makin it worse....... has it never occured to you that instead of callin him a T*** and commentin on his drivin abilities.. you should maybe offer a few tiny words "" bad luck mate ... hope ya disco aint too badly hurt!... :mad:

I seem to remember seein pics of you gettin stuck in a smaller puddle out there.... must of been your drivin skills that was the problem :rolleyes: :p

FFS Minty, when, sorry if you ever get to know all of us down here, you will understand Bucky's comments are just par for the course.

We all know each other pretty well, know where the line is drawn and rip it out of each other to the max. I'm pretty sure D71 aint taken no offence from the comment, he's big enuff to stand up for imself, and would let peeps know if the lines bin crossed.

Spoutin from up norf on summat yu dont understand, aint winnin yu any friends

An yu know I'm right - just look at my Siggy
I is upset now - peeps still keep pokin fun at me gettin stuck at Submarine Alley - no-one stands up for me, and I is a sensitive ickle soul.:mad::Cry:

I was even given a T shirt with "fill to here" written on it - bastids :D.
Well... as you probably figured out I didnt make it..
took the disco for a spin to check the newly made welding repairs and breathers and all is fine.... not much water coming in now..

but still a pain to drive and it loses all power goin uphill.. definately need to find a new air filter to turbo hose...

but nice pics! we usually go for a play in that area there, havent seen it that full since probably March..!!
FFS Minty, when, sorry if you ever get to know all of us down here, you will understand Bucky's comments are just par for the course.

We all know each other pretty well, know where the line is drawn and rip it out of each other to the max. I'm pretty sure D71 aint taken no offence from the comment, he's big enuff to stand up for imself, and would let peeps know if the lines bin crossed.

Spoutin from up norf on summat yu dont understand, aint winnin yu any friends

An yu know I'm right - just look at my Siggy

Ah yes... Im from up norf...... I will come down south to spout my mouth off then :cool: As for ""winnin friends"".... The guys I have met from ere are :cool:..but as far as Im concerned if they dont like me... thats their problem. If and when I have an opinion ..... The ones that matter dont mind and the ones that mind dont matter. :p:p
Ah yes... Im from up norf...... I will come down south to spout my mouth off then :cool: As for ""winnin friends"".... The guys I have met from ere are :cool:..but as far as Im concerned if they dont like me... thats their problem. If and when I have an opinion ..... The ones that matter dont mind and the ones that mind dont matter. :p:p

I'm getting to like you. :clap2: ....sometimes!
oooooh i'm deeply offended by buckgramps comments :D:D:D:D

MODS i'm gonna sulk for 6 months then change my name :D:D:Dsnigger:D:D:D

The old bastid was gettin it in when he could coz he knows its coming back his way very soon ;)

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