Yea - the camera in the tree worked well!

I think he got despondent when I asked him if he had comprehensive insurance and how much no-claims.

Ha! That's not really what you want to hear in that position!!! I'm glad the camera was still there - i was hoping it might have picked up some interesting wildlife in the 10 mins it was just sitting on its own in the wilderness filming nothing, but unfortunately not!

There's some massive flooding going on here - just aquaplaned me way back to Losty (apparently big crash at Trago or thereabouts) - get yer brolly out, it's headed your way!!!
And if you'd like to see it in reasonable hi-def, here's a better quality version...let it upload for a while on pause and then watch it in full screen (and turn the killers up!!)
and YES...that is indeed a NFC at 2.35!!!:D:D:D

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