Traditional pasties were meat and veg one end and fruit the other so two courses in one. :p

Right so I is aving pasty, chippies, saute potatos and then anuvver pasty. Do they ave custard, brandy sauce or cream on the pudding?:confused:
Right so I is aving pasty, chippies, saute potatos and then anuvver pasty. Do they ave custard, brandy sauce or cream on the pudding?:confused:

nope i fink its one big pastie, wiv two sections, but to be honist I aint sure - that could be a Devon pastie :bolt:.
nope i fink its one big pastie, wiv two sections, but to be honist I aint sure - that could be a Devon pastie :bolt:.

I likes the chip shop by the quay in falmouth. They do nice chippies and big fishcake balls.

And the chippy is next door to the pasty shop anorl. I usually visit both.:p :p :p
oi you !!!!

Is that one of them dodgy porn links or summit?:( :eek: :eek: :eek:

snigger :D

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