reet on ta Trewey, all good - how's things that end??? Just bin ferra run, damn near killed me (thort i orta do summat bout the gut, wont be makin that mistake again for a while!...not that i can ackshirley walk proper at the mo!)
Just bin ferra run, damn near killed me
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

ffs, just spat coffee over me keyboard. back...oih legs aaasrgh fookin hilly round ere anawl!!! (Place gets its name from "lost within the hills"!) - fookin 11 killymeetrs (thass all i can get me map ter measure in - and it sounds more like that too!)
Righto ............. due to cancellation of this months event does anyone fancy offroading at Saltash this sunday?.

PM me for details :D
haha. I only really do 3k at the moment, but I do up hills and set profiles that are designed to kill me lungs :D so by the end of 3k I'm fooked!
Has your car broke????
Haha, but generally yup else i'm to embarassed that someone might ask to see inside the bonnet!

Tis 11K coz it's a really good circuit, got 3 K up a steep hill, 3K down a steep hill the other side and then 5 K along a relatively flat valley bottom - the 3k up steep hill to start is a killer though, speshly if i int dunnit ferra while or i'm hung over or summat. Just ter be KraZee (wif a capital K 'n' a capitol Zee) i does it backwards (the route, not me!!!) sometimes!
i tells ya heffs, ya wanna watch me yer do :D:D:D Int feelin too bad for it though, but dint arf enjoy me steak dinner doon the boozer this evenin!!! (tis our night off from the jr odds so gorra make the most er it!)
hee hee blessum. Int had a proppa pub noshup for ages
If only, we kinda overdunnit fer pub nosh ups lately wot wif doris birfdy (although i took er terra reet posh restront but kinda the same) n peeps offerin to look after odd2 and odd3, we dun quite well outta it - then i gorra hospi day at teh Rugby on sat and anuvva hospi day at the **** (fook off yer bastids, i int gerrin a ribbin fer that anorl) on Friday so all in all i gorra justify it by runnin a bit!

Anyone fancy a free or really cheap weekend in Fowey gos i gorra pad that's empty at the mo, and available (only one bedroom tho) but yer gorra give us summat fer the leccy.
well, tis a freebie, gorra be wurf a foo hundred squid, your loss...anyone else, last chance, yer can take an orse ter worra an orl that etc!

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