
Cockernee, Pasty munchin bastid.
Me and Oddie (and maybe Stumpy) are gonna do some lanes around SE Kernow next Sunday. It will be a good half day's worth of interesting, but maybe scratchy lanes.
Nuffink extreme - no need for mud tyres etc.
Much as it pains me to say it, a Gaylander could do them......

If anyone wants to join us, shout up.
maybe scratchy need for mud tyres etc.

No Mud Tyres.......Check!
Scratches......:Cry: Check! (drove it through a gorse thicket the other week:eek:...wrong turn!:doh:. Mild scratches are not a (big) problem. It's the deeper stuff that Redruth kids do with a set of keys that I hate:mad: )
Ace, i'll pack me spare camera battery this time :doh:

Gaylander couldn't do the couple of fords, the doors would fall off:eek:
Stumpy deffo coming? Not had a response from KTM - maybe he's away, but got me co-pilot :D:D:D
sussed out how to get OS Grid Refs into Tom Tom, so got the route on Sat Nav.
Well, we had fun, even if we did spend 2hrs digging, jacking and pulling RPG's Disco 3 when it got wedged in a lane.
Got it out without any major damage in the end.
Only took a few piccies and a bit of vid - was too busy with the recovery.
Here's the stills, videos tomorrow hopefully.

The meet-up for brekkie

The end of the 2nd lane


RPG digging

Nice pics - i've got 2 hours of vid to try and whittle down to 5 mins - but still no good water splashes this time!

Yeah, the proper landys made it through no probs!!!
Now i know why you S*L*A*P*P*E*R*S don't fall into ditches. It's cos all your lanes have got banks down the sides.:D:D:D
The post of "Landyzoner in a ditch" is already taken. There's quite a queue i hear!!!
Jeez, with those side steps the D3 must have been ploughing the banks. :doh:

Respect for taking it off the tarmac though.

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