I decided not to go with replacing the body mount.
It seemed I would have to undo the others and jack the body up to re-fit the new one, which is a bit out of my ability.

I showed the piccy to the MOT guy, and he said as long as the mount is made back up and continuous weld, he's happy.
Looks like you have your work cut out for you there.
I'm getting a Defender Wednesday (Have a Disco at the moment) pre-empting the welding that will need doing in the future and thinking of doing an evening course, what type of welding is the most useful? Arc/Tig/Mig etc? I don't intend doing loads but can foresee some will need doing at some point as its an '87 :eek:
can't answer the welding question ............. I haven't done any yet !!! :eek:

though MIG seems the easiest to get to grips with. (I've been watching loads of youtube vids !!! lol )
I spoke too soon. :(

Look what I had to cut out...



your side panel seems to have been welded before, but looks different from mine.

is it a disco1?
'88 RRC.

It has been welded before! That was one of the first things I did when I got it. (hence the pigeon sh*t welding!)


Didn't realise about this rust until I took off the scuttle panel thought so have only just found it. :(
I cut the bulges out of my old footwell and welded them back into the new footwell.
looks like yours is good enough to do the same.
todays update.

kept finding more rust :( ..........so I cut out the footwell, and eventually found solid bright steel :)

looks like a bit of my (inner sill ?) has a hole, so I cut that out too.

I think I've finally cut out all the rot !!!! :)

so tomorrow will be spent cleaning up sharp edges, and making cardboard templates.

todays numpty questions re welding.

1) do I have to clean off paint etc on both sides of the metal, and how far back ?

2) can I then prep the surfaces and coat them in weld through primer to protect them in case it takes me a time till I start welding ?

todays numpty questions re welding.

1) do I have to clean off paint etc on both sides of the metal, and how far back ?

2) can I then prep the surfaces and coat them in weld through primer to protect them in case it takes me a time till I start welding ?

1- no, but the opposite side to your weld will burn. I tend to clean both sides and weld both sides, but most of my repairs are lap joints.

2- cleaning the paint is prep. along with rust removal.
anything you put on after prep, will need re prep before welding.

oh, and the arse end rusts too, so don't stop looking for it ;);)

1) do I have to clean off paint etc on both sides of the metal, and how far back ?

2) can I then prep the surfaces and coat them in weld through primer to protect them in case it takes me a time till I start welding ?

1) I do and I find it makes it easier, there's less burning paint smell and smoke etc to contaminate the area and the weld while you're doing it.

2) Yes you can, you don't want your nicely cleaned and prepped surfaces to rust while you're not looking. But I've never used weld through primer so can't comment about taking it back to shiny metal or leaving it and welding through it.

You're making some good progress! Good idea on the cardboard templates. Remember that prior preparation and planning prevents **** for performance. ;) Longer you prep the better and easier welding will be.

nrgserv thats a lot of tack welds!!! :eek: I suppose it stops it from warping when seam welding it.
thanks both for your comments.

i'll try to take about 1" off the paintwork.

nrgserv, i'm not going to look in the back for a lonnnnggggggg time yet. :eek:

i'm depressed enough as it is !!!. :)
thanks both for your comments.

i'll try to take about 1" off the paintwork.

nrgserv, i'm not going to look in the back for a lonnnnggggggg time yet. :eek:

i'm depressed enough as it is !!!. :)

chris, which hill are you on the top of?
just curious :)
todays update.

I think I might have bought the wrong plate sheet. :(

the stuff I got has mill scale on it, and looking on google , acid and stuff is mentioned to remove it !!! :eek: :eek:

I cut a small patch to fit in the floor sill, and took me ages to clear the stuff off.

so todays numpty question......

do I have to grind the stuff off all over, or just where the weld will be ???

and if it's only for the weld area........will it take painting ok ?

then I plucked up courage to have a practice play with the welder :eek: :eek:

loads more practice needed !!!

the auto darkening helmet is good though.

threw me at first. I thought I blew all the fuses when it went dark!!!

lol :)

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