
Active Member
Hi everyone,
I have found a huge amount of rust and corrosion on the base of the doors, I know this is a common problem with old land rovers, the main problem is with the drivers door. I was wondering if there is a good solution to this problem and if it structural, the drivers has completely rusted away so what is the best solution.
Yours Sincerely Burtie
The problem with buying new doors is the price of a new one, they are very expensive and I would have to replace all of them
As mentioned above get repair sections and do it yourself or if not there is a company that do them for around a £100 per door.
Every time I shut mine a new price falls off! There are real rough! Just gunna weld new sections in when weather improves!
Give it a good dose of WD40 and rivet a patch stiffener over the corner, with the top bit held by the bottom hinge bolt.

Mine has lasted a couple of years now and although I have the repair channels I haven't got a roundtuit yet ;) ;)
Give it a good dose of WD40 and rivet a patch stiffener over the corner, with the top bit held by the bottom hinge bolt.

Mine has lasted a couple of years now and although I have the repair channels I haven't got a roundtuit yet ;) ;)

I keep my keys in a round tuit
Look on YRM for the repair sections. Not a hard job if you can weld or know someone who can. Back door is a 50/50 as hey are not that dear new so by the time you have paid out for repair sections and done the work a new one isn't far off.

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