.... I'm better off to have some tangable 'wit' than be 1/2 of one, such as yourself!

I don't need to 'get in with the big boys' as you so eloquently put it, as you're doing an impressive job of making yourself look stupid, as is the OP.

Having a sook on an open forum and slandering a forum member does not bode well for anyone.

As far as Im concerned you both deserve all you get!

It's been an 'interesting' thread, in as much as it entertains me of a night, when there is nothing on TV.

It also reminds me that there are so many simple folk out there, such as yourself, that try so hard to be intelligent ......... yet fail so abysmally.

Not as much of a good job as you are fitting those **** wheels to your freelander. Now that looks stupid.

Such a shame all you have in your life is this forum and TV. You should probably get out more. Give those rims a polish.
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......... I tucked my jeans into my socks and went to a BBQ ............ they just accepted me! been here ever since !!! :hysterically_laughi

(sorry couldn't resist) :p
......... I tucked my jeans into my socks and went to a BBQ ............ they just accepted me! been here ever since !!! :hysterically_laughi

(sorry couldn't resist) :p

did you throw a shrimp on the barbie? have you been rescued by skippy?
Is this unit still for sale?

Yes mate. PM Greenie. He will give you his Paypal address, you can send him the money and then hear nothing more from him. When you make enquiries on this forum wondering what has happened to your money, all the big boys will jump on you and tease you like little kids. :D
Not as much of a good job as you are fitting those **** wheels to your freelander. Now that looks stupid.

Looking stupid and being stupid are 2 sperate things .......... rather look stupid than BE stupid, given the choice! Shame you didnt get to choose.

Such a shame all you have in your life is this forum and TV.
......... both are forms of entertainment

and why do i need a spell checker??

because you can't spell. Just in case there was any confusion, I've highlighted a couple of the errors you made, however, the list is in no way intended to be exhaustive:

Right, where were we??????

Did we ever find out who the fat hillbilly looking geezer with his jeans tucked in his socks was? I would also be interested to know who the guy in the strippy top is who is also following the trend and tucking his trousers into his socks.

Has gripper stebson from grange hill turned up yet.

Its a shame i coulcn't have got back on last night seeing as your little gang was all here. Im afraid i have a home life and forgot about you all. Im here for a couple of hours now though so let the onslaught continue. :director:

Series 71: the word is Sociopath, just incase you need to google it again and remind yourself what it means. :pop2:

hope this helps...
because you can't spell. Just in case there was any confusion, I've highlighted a couple of the errors you made, however, the list is in no way intended to be exhaustive:

hope this helps...

I think you will find only a couple of spelling mistakes there. The rest is actually just bad grammor and typo's. But please forgive me Mr Prime. Isnt it funny when people need to point out spelling mistakes on forums. Like it really matters. And to think i got O level English too :doh:
I think you will find only a couple of spelling mistakes there. The rest is actually just bad grammor and typo's. But please forgive me Mr Prime. Isnt it funny when people need to point out spelling mistakes on forums. Like it really matters. And to think i got O level English too :doh:

when you are in a hole, stop digging....

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