I doubt he takes his PC on fishing trips! FFS grow a pair and stop behaving like a petulant child that wants his toy back. There only seems to be 2001ytd4 that agrees with you and he's only in it for the **** stirring.
I'm sure there are more, they just want to get involved in the adolescent backlash. :rolleyes:
.......... or your constant whining!!

Ah welcome along again! Have you come to re-join everyone else again on the big yellow happy bus bandwagon?
I'm your driver for today. Step this way sir and come inside. Join all the other window lickers. I'm sure you will find others like yourself and will feel right at home! Find a seat and sit down. Don't trip over now! Here let me wipe the dribble of this seat for you.
Ah welcome along again! Have you come to re-join everyone else again on the big yellow happy bus bandwagon?
I'm your driver for today. Step this way sir and come inside. Join all the other window lickers. I'm sure you will find others like yourself and will feel right at home! Find a seat and sit down. Don't trip over now! Here let me wipe the dribble of this seat for you.
Ahh thats nice, I'm glad to see that after being sectioned for so long you've finally made it to trustee......be careful though remember you have ocd and may have a relapse.
Don't worry about the rest of us were just visitin, weve just come with our proddy sticks to poke you through the bars.:D
Right, where were we??????

Did we ever find out who the fat hillbilly looking geezer with his jeans tucked in his socks was? I would also be interested to know who the guy in the strippy top is who is also following the trend and tucking his trousers into his socks.

Has gripper stebson from grange hill turned up yet.

Its a shame i coulcn't have got back on last night seeing as your little gang was all here. Im afraid i have a home life and forgot about you all. Im here for a couple of hours now though so let the onslaught continue. :director:

Series 71: the word is Sociopath, just incase you need to google it again and remind yourself what it means. :pop2:
Right, where were we??????

Did we ever find out who the fat hillbilly looking geezer with his jeans tucked in his socks was? I would also be interested to know who the guy in the strippy top is who is also following the trend and tucking his trousers into his socks.

Has gripper stebson from grange hill turned up yet.

Its a shame i coulcn't have got back on last night seeing as your little gang was all here. Im afraid i have a home life and forgot about you all. Im here for a couple of hours now though so let the onslaught continue. :director:

Series 71: the word is Sociopath, just incase you need to google it again and remind yourself what it means. :pop2:

who are you?
a word for you 2001ytd4


google that :cool:

ohhh and spell checker

thats 3 words, and why do i need a spell checker??

Lol, your more of a noob than i am. Hoping to get in with the big boys are you? All the way out there in OZ. Do you tuck your jeans in your socks at BBQ's too??
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thats 3 words, and why do i need a spell checker??

Lol, your more of a noob than i am. Hoping to get in with the big boys are you? All the way out there in OZ. Do you tuck your jeans in your socks at BBQ's too??
you obsessed wiv BBQs?
Soon be summer chill yer jets lad.
I think you need more wit than that to keep up with the big boys.

.... I'm better off to have some tangable 'wit' than be 1/2 of one, such as yourself!

I don't need to 'get in with the big boys' as you so eloquently put it, as you're doing an impressive job of making yourself look stupid, as is the OP.

Having a sook on an open forum and slandering a forum member does not bode well for anyone.

As far as Im concerned you both deserve all you get!

It's been an 'interesting' thread, in as much as it entertains me of a night, when there is nothing on TV.

It also reminds me that there are so many simple folk out there, such as yourself, that try so hard to be intelligent ......... yet fail so abysmally.
.... I'm better off to have some tangable 'wit' than be 1/2 of one, such as yourself!

I don't need to 'get in with the big boys' as you so eloquently put it, as you're doing an impressive job of making yourself look stupid, as is the OP.

Having a sook on an open forum and slandering a forum member does not bode well for anyone.

As far as Im concerned you both deserve all you get!

It's been an 'interesting' thread, in as much as it entertains me of a night, when there is nothing on TV.

It also reminds me that there are so many simple folk out there, such as yourself, that try so hard to be intelligent ......... yet fail so abysmally.

don't need to look at your location to tell where your from lol ;)

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