Don't suppose you could see your way to helping a few folk out with one or two useful contributions instead of acting like a prat all the time?
Eerm, im sure I read somewhere on here that LZ was all about taking tbe **** and having a laugh? Dont give if you cant take attitude and all that. Or does that only count if you got a hand full of buddies on here joining in and backing you up?

Just go back and read through the whole thread again and work out who actually turned this thread to ****. And to think they vouched for the guy. The words face and egg spring to mind.
Eerm, im sure I read somewhere on here that LZ was all about taking tbe **** and having a laugh? Dont give if you cant take attitude and all that. Or does that only count if you got a hand full of buddies on here joining in and backing you up?

Just go back and read through the whole thread again and work out who actually turned this thread to ****. And to think they vouched for the guy. The words face and egg spring to mind.

but we have no idea if it turned up yet :confused: K5 has been online but no updates for a few days so wouldnt be so quick to accuse.

tbh i hope it does turn up cos it has shown K5s true colours (taking money from an unrelated party was out of order) and he has proven himself to be a prize cock.
Just go back and read through the whole thread again and work out who actually turned this thread to ****.

At about post #24 .... which was ..... eerrrr..... you !

2001ytd4 said:
Lol, looks like you been ripped mate. I was thinking about buying that but the STUPID spelling/impersanation put me off. Glad i didnt now

Up to this point it was just forum members telling k5 to take a chill pill, give it some time and not be so quick to claim he'd been had over.

Then you just stirred it up at post #54 beginning with ........
2001ytd4 said:
FFs. Listen to you lot, ****ing tossers......
So all in all you've made an already ****ty situation a whole lot worse by antagonising the very people that were trying to help... yes of course with a bit of **** taking along the way but that’s LZ, as you well know as you've been a member on here for longer than me.

2001ytd4 said:
I dont have a facebook thingy. Im an adult

Really???? I’ve not seen anything yet to evidence this…..
At about post #24 .... which was ..... eerrrr..... you !

Up to this point it was just forum members telling k5 to take a chill pill, give it some time and not be so quick to claim he'd been had over.

Then you just stirred it up at post #54 beginning with ........

So all in all you've made an already ****ty situation a whole lot worse by antagonising the very people that were trying to help... yes of course with a bit of **** taking along the way but that’s LZ, as you well know as you've been a member on here for longer than me.

Really???? I’ve not seen anything yet to evidence this…..


Not only that but through all the **** taking you'll find genuine help with the other members postings though you might have to sift through a lot of banter. Your posts 2001ytd4 are sadly unhelpful, crude & not even funny.
One thing that really amuses me is the fact that you got nothing better to do with your evening than create that video.
Thats a bit rich coming from a troll who comes on here attempting and failing to wind anyone up:cool:

Good on them. They would have had a go on yours but she is to ****ing ugly and apperntly her gash looks like a smashed crab :D
wouldnt know, but your old dears looks like that preditor sickking up some ice cream. That i know for certain.Got photos and everything.All of the regiment that was there that night took some.

Not only that but through all the **** taking you'll find genuine help with the other members postings though you might have to sift through a lot of banter. Your posts 2001ytd4 are sadly unhelpful, crude & not even funny.

**** off. Genuine help. Your all a bunch of tossers.

I think you will find that most of the posts on this entire forum are unhelpful, crude and not at all funny.
**** off. Genuine help. Your all a bunch of tossers.

I think you will find that most of the posts on this entire forum are unhelpful, crude and not at all funny.

so why are you still here :confused: you can **** off whenever you like.

trolling tw@t.
Thats a bit rich coming from a troll who comes on here attempting and failing to wind anyone up:cool: I seem to be doing a pretty good job on you cocker. Please explain what a troll is. Only it seems to be the word to use on here.

wouldnt know, but your old dears looks like that preditor sickking up some ice cream. That i know for certain.Got photos and everything.All of the regiment that was there that night took some.

"Got photos and everything". You sound like a kid mate. Are you a kid? Are you sure you even old enough to drive, let alone own that green piece of **** you got in your sig picture
How much of a coincidence would that be. You got photos of a whole regiment going through my mother ( obviously a blatent lie) when you dont know me from Adam. Although i feel that it is probably very true that your mothers gash looks like a kebab thats been kicked around the street on a saturday night. And her arse hole looks like a deflated space hopper that been laying in someones council house garden in West Brom. :D LMFAO
**** off. Genuine help. Your all a bunch of tossers.

I think you will find that most of the posts on this entire forum are unhelpful, crude and not at all funny.

Off you go then...It's lunch time your mummy will have her tit out ready for you to feed. Remind her to pat your back afterwards, we all know how grumpy you get when you get wind..........BITTY
"Got photos and everything". You sound like a kid mate. Are you a kid? Are you sure you even old enough to drive, let alone own that green piece of **** you got in your sig picture
How much of a coincidence would that be. You got photos of a whole regiment going through my mother ( obviously a blatent lie) when you dont know me from Adam. Although i feel that it is probably very true that your mothers gash looks like a kebab thats been kicked around the street on a saturday night. And her arse hole looks like a deflated space hopper that been laying in someones council house garden in West Brom. :D LMFAO

like I said............trolling tw@t.

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