cornish rattler

Well-Known Member
Hi guys
Before we start with this thread i just need to let you all know of our misshap we had last week, as most of you will know we planned on replacing the chassis for early next year but unfortunatly we was involved in a heavy rear end shunt where the rear X member and towbar took all the impact causing the towbar and X member to be all bent and twisted with a couple of cracks further up the chassis so we are just going through the motions with the insurance atm so once we no where we stand we can carry on :)
Oh no! Hope everyone's alright. I suppose it just hastens the chassis replacement along a bit. Are the body panels reusable?
Oh no! Hope everyone's alright. I suppose it just hastens the chassis replacement along a bit. Are the body panels reusable?

The rear o/s quarter panel under the quarter window is slightly bent due to the X member pressing up against the quarter panel but i am hopeing that once the tub is off it will pop into place, its also putting pressure on the rear door aswell as you have to slam it to close it so again i am hopeing it will sort its self out once the pressure is off it :)
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If the chassis is bent try and get the insurance company to fit your new chassis and fix bodywork.
We are just waiting to get paid out as there will be more than enough to replace the chassis, and we are going to start stripping the landy down this saturday and will be taking loads of pic's :)
Made a start today on stripping the 90 down and removed the doors, roof, all 6 seats, and the seat box but had to wait till son came home from work to give me a lift on lifting the roof off, on monday i will remove the rear tube and make a start on removing the front wings.

i have taken loads of pic's but need to join photo bucket to draft pic's over which i will try and do in the next few days :)
Has an insurance assessor inspected it yet ?
It was not a good idea to start stripping it down as you don't know what the insurance co decide to do.
Ok no prob's, hopeing to do somemore tomorrow if its not too cold as i was a bit cold stripping it yesterday even with two electric heaters going, mite have to invest in something sharp'ish :)
Loosend the tub ready for me and son to lift off in the morning as he is on his day off tomorrow but i am in work later tomorrow, i also removed the loom from the bulkhead to the rear lightes as it was running over the top of the chassis and pretty easy to get to :)
We removed the tub the other morning and had a look at the chassis where we could, just need to remove the bulkhead, front wings and engine / gearbox then hopfully on monday i can remove the axles and remove everything else from the chassis ready for cutting the chassis up and weighing in at some point :)
Removed all the front end of the body yesterday inc the bulkhead, engine and gearbox so tomorrow just got to remove both axles and some of the bracketery off the chassis we mite need although where we can we will replace them rather than use old rusty brackets.

then we did a bit of prodding around and found the rear spring cups was rotten through in parts and found another crack round one of the bulkhead outriggers, so i dread to think what would have happend if we was shunted into the car in front :eek:
Landy is all stripped down to a bare chassis now and is ready for cutting up which i will do this saturday aswell as partially strip down gearbox for sending away for overhaul :)
Today me and son chopped the chassis up after removing the A frame chassis brackets and got a local scrapman to collect it, gave the garage a good tidy up then got the tub in and removed the side, rear corner and bulkhead cappings and cleaned up where they fit ready for the new ones coming in the week, then try and send the gearbox away for overhaul :)

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