So I got the Range to the shop today to do some work.
Who on earth designed this engine cover since it has to be screwed in by screws that weigh more than the cover
So last time I posted a picture of my air compressor wheel that came off. I've put it back on and aircon works crazy good!
The lowest reading was getting around 4 degrees I just couldn't stay in it's too cold.
That was a lucky break and a simple fix just a bolt, washer and some thread glue.
I figured since I have some tools and fluids I would replace the brake fluid.
I also replaced the oils in both differentials and transfer box today also.
Takes exactly as per Autodata's specification. Although how easy is this. You can buy a 5L bottle of 75W-90 Semi Synthetic Oil and if you are stubborn you will change it on your driveway. That big syringe helps. Before you start hating on oil brand and type :director:....
The oil in the rear diff was still quite clean and yellow where as the front diff and the transfer box not so much.
I also opened the transfer box slightly to get to the doomed potentiometer just to have a look at it. While I was at it I cleaned the contact cable since I did read somewhere that this can be problematic too.
Here is some other pictures of the BMW part numbers on the transfer box since I'm still living in the world of getting that potentiometer from BMW.
I hadn't had time to take it apart and clean it fully but first I will move it few times from high to low range and vice versa to just give it that passive clean since it wasn't used for a long time.
Tomorrow I will crack on with the mirrors.
As per other items I will replace the oil and the filter in the gearbox with a full cooler flush etc.
This is what I found on the gearbox and it's a good joke.
As well as tomorrow a new number plate will go on it too.