New Member
Hey all,

Let me quickly introduce myself, my name is Chris Newman and I'm an advertising student.

I'm currently working on a Defender Campaign and need some useful information in order to get an idea of the current target audience! I believe the Defender is an excellent vehicle driven by caring, enthusiastic people but many people believe they are selfish and reckless. I want to try and change this 'perception'.

If you would be so kind as to supply me some information that would be amazing which would hopefully produce a more effective outcome.

If the information is too sensitive for you please inbox me, answer some, or ignore this thread, but generally I'm looking for: age (18-24, 25-35 etc is acceptable), gender, location, marital/family situation, hobbies, opinion on Defenders, opinion on Defender owners, and what you do with your Defender/s. Any other relevant information you think would be useful or supportive is welcomed.

Also, what are your views on those who say Defenders/4x4s should not be allowed in the city?

Sorry if this is the wrong thread or I do not have permission to ask for such information, no trouble intended.

Thank you!
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May be the Mods could move this to ANYTHING goes................. calling the chip monster or the pie gobbler
Hey all,

Let me quickly introduce myself, my name is Chris Newman and I'm an advertising student.

I'm currently working on a Defender Campaign and need some useful information in order to get an idea of the current target audience! I believe the Defender is an excellent vehicle driven by caring, enthusiastic people but many people believe they are selfish and reckless. I want to try and change this 'perception'.

If you would be so kind as to supply me some information that would be amazing which would hopefully produce a more effective outcome.

If the information is too sensitive for you please inbox me, answer some, or ignore this thread, but generally I'm looking for: age (18-24, 25-35 etc is acceptable), gender, location, marital/family situation, hobbies, opinion on Defenders, opinion on Defender owners, and what you do with your Defender/s. Any other relevant information you think would be useful or supportive is welcomed.

Also, what are your views on those who say Defenders/4x4s should not be allowed in the city?

Sorry if this is the wrong thread or I do not have permission to ask for such information, no trouble intended.

Thank you!


Age; 22

Gender; male

Location; bucks

Marital status; single

Hobbies; snowboarding, offroading, linux/unix application development

Opinion on defenders; Love em! wouldn't drive anything else.

Opinion on defender owners; Great bunch, extremely helpful, but maybe not so much towards other car owners!

What I do with my defender; Offroad it and will soon be going on a overland adventure to the sahara and then other adventures around the world after that :)

With regards to 4x4's in cities I don't think this is much of a problem for defenders, there can't be many? People who drive a 4x4 in the city usually do it because they want a big comfortable car for themselves and their kids but you don't really get that with a defender. There are plenty of non 4x4 cars that make as much or more CO2 than a fender too, and 4x4 owners already pay more money than most others to keep their cars on the road.


Age; 22

Gender; gay male

Location; bucks

Marital status; single

Hobbies; snowboarding, offroading, linux/unix application development

Favorite Movie; Hump Back Mountain

Opinion on defenders; Love em! wouldn't drive anything else.

Opinion on defender owners; Great bunch, extremely helpful, but maybe not so much towards other car owners!

What I do with my defender; Offroad it and will soon be going on a overland adventure to the sahara and then other adventures around the world after that :)

With regards to 4x4's in cities I don't think this is much of a problem for defenders, there can't be many? People who drive a 4x4 in the city usually do it because they want a big comfortable car for themselves and their kids but you don't really get that with a defender. There are plenty of non 4x4 cars that make as much or more CO2 than a fender too, and 4x4 owners already pay more money than most others to keep their cars on the road.


Shooting, offroading, drinking. Am a gamekeeeper by trade also do contract farming.
Defenders are great bit of kit aswell as fun. Need it everyday working towing etc and Friday nights weekends greenlaning or offroading.
Views on 4x4s in citys I don't care just seems waste of money. There life can drive whatever they want.
Married, 3 kids.

opinion on fenders, Love mine, best car Ive owned in a long time, mainly due to the fact you have to drive it, as apposed to all the euro boxes that you just operate.
fender and landy owners in general seem to be a friendly bunch (unless you **** em orf!!) had to call a favour on a couple who have been happy to help despite only knowing me for 6 months.

Dont see a problem with fenders/4x4s in citys, not the easiest thing to drive around them, but it my choice.
I recall a while ago doing a little **** of the anti 4x4 preachers research and found that the biggest landrover (at the time) put out less CO2 than even a basic Porsche

To add, if i did city drive on a regular basis, i would find somthing better than a fender, i dont, so i wont.
fekin cockend student in foulmouth ....

make sure you spend all yer money in town boy and i hope the farm boys dunt snap yer when yer gobby......
Age 47
5 kids

Got a defender initially because I needed the space for kids, pushchairs, shopping, schoolbags etc

Now got one because I want one, not so much because I need one. I love my 110 to death.... only car I've ever had an emotional attachment to apart from my mini

Use it to poddle to work, and green laning with the odd bit of P&P- would do more but i'd break her and then I'd have to pay to have her fixed even more often than I do .

It does make me drive differently than when I drive the works astra. In my 110 you can drive assertively but not aggressively as most things give way for you because youre so much bigger - so actually i'm less reckless but more confident ... gentle nose out into a lane of traffic and most will stop for you rather than ignore you in an ordinary car. My 110 is that slow and ploddy I'm not sure I could drive recklessly in it - I figure you'd have to have speed for that .

I have no issue with 4X4s in towns...I live in one, but I have an issue with 4x4s in towns driven by I'm sorry to say mainly women, who appear to be scared of their size and drive like complete morons with no ability to judge width or passing perception
Hey all,

Let me quickly introduce myself, my name is Chris Newman and I'm an advertising student.

I'm currently working on a Defender Campaign and need some useful information in order to get an idea of the current target audience! I believe the Defender is an excellent vehicle driven by caring, enthusiastic people but many people believe they are selfish and reckless. I want to try and change this 'perception'.

If you would be so kind as to supply me some information that would be amazing which would hopefully produce a more effective outcome.

If the information is too sensitive for you please inbox me, answer some, or ignore this thread, but generally I'm looking for: age (18-24, 25-35 etc is acceptable), gender, location, marital/family situation, hobbies, opinion on Defenders, opinion on Defender owners, and what you do with your Defender/s. Any other relevant information you think would be useful or supportive is welcomed.

Also, what are your views on those who say Defenders/4x4s should not be allowed in the city?

Sorry if this is the wrong thread or I do not have permission to ask for such information, no trouble intended.

Thank you!

Age: 27

Gender: Bloke

Location: South Wales

Occupation: Brickie

Marital status: F**K em and chuck em

Hobbies: Drinking, fighting, f**king.

What I do with my Defender: Drive it, break it, fix it.

Opinion on Defenders: Cold, uncomfortable, noisy, brilliant.

Opinion on other Defender drivers: The fact others own them reassures me that Im not the only idiot out there.

Should Defenders be allowed in cities? Yes, push bikes should be banned though.
Age; 16

Gender; male

Location; Lincoln

Marital status; smash n dash

Hobbies; land rover restoration, quad bikes

Opinion on defenders; The only vehicle to have

Opinion on defender owners; Buch of fackin idiots, :p nahhh just kidding, helpful bunch :D

What I do with my defender; clean it and drive it around the farm

4x4'a in towns? Couldn't care less, if you want to drive a landy in the city go ahead, doesn't effect me
I think he's asking what do you think about the PEOPLE who do not want the 4x4s in the city, not what you think of 4x4s in the city.

although I don't have a tratter, my opinion on this is they can keep their dirty overcrowded cesspit of a city, so long as they keep their opinions out of my countryside

a lot of response! I knew the Landys would come to my rescue ;] I mean city as in urban areas, highly populated. Thanks and keep em coming
Age; 16

Gender; male

Location; Lincoln

Marital status; to Rosie Palm and her 5 friends

Hobbies; land rover restoration, quad bikes

Opinion on defenders; The only vehicle to have

Opinion on defender owners; Buch of fackin idiots, :p nahhh just kidding, helpful bunch :D

What I do with my defender; clean it and drive it around the farm

4x4'a in towns? Couldn't care less, if you want to drive a landy in the city go ahead, doesn't effect me


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