girls you mean and if you say ya never had you is lieing :pound::pound::pound::pound:

A women is over 45 and get better with age:D

Next time you get lucky with your girls, think of your dad and mom or your grand parents having a good romp :D

You disgust me! :puke:
Hey all,

Let me quickly introduce myself, my name is Chris Newman and I'm an advertising student.

I'm currently working on a Defender Campaign and need some useful information in order to get an idea of the current target audience! I believe the Defender is an excellent vehicle driven by caring, enthusiastic people but many people believe they are selfish and reckless. I want to try and change this 'perception'.

If you would be so kind as to supply me some information that would be amazing which would hopefully produce a more effective outcome.

If the information is too sensitive for you please inbox me, answer some, or ignore this thread, but generally I'm looking for: age (18-24, 25-35 etc is acceptable), gender, location, marital/family situation, hobbies, opinion on Defenders, opinion on Defender owners, and what you do with your Defender/s. Any other relevant information you think would be useful or supportive is welcomed.

Also, what are your views on those who say Defenders/4x4s should not be allowed in the city?

Sorry if this is the wrong thread or I do not have permission to ask for such information, no trouble intended.

Thank you!


She male

Costa del Liverpool

Boyfriend "but don't tell the wife"

Hobbies... Moon walking, masterbating,
Gimping, part time nudist , train spotter bird watcher , sausage taster,

Hermaphrodite twins

Defender drivers ,great people always willing to lend a hand with heavy loads

Usage, load victims in the back as they can easily be cleaned out , offroading when they need to be dumped

Other info , don't tell the rozzers/ old bill
Hey all,

Let me quickly introduce myself, my name is Chris Newman and I'm an advertising student.

I'm currently working on a Defender Campaign and need some useful information in order to get an idea of the current target audience! I believe the Defender is an excellent vehicle driven by caring, enthusiastic people but many people believe they are selfish and reckless. I want to try and change this 'perception'.

If you would be so kind as to supply me some information that would be amazing which would hopefully produce a more effective outcome.

If the information is too sensitive for you please inbox me, answer some, or ignore this thread, but generally I'm looking for: age (18-24, 25-35 etc is acceptable), gender, location, marital/family situation, hobbies, opinion on Defenders, opinion on Defender owners, and what you do with your Defender/s. Any other relevant information you think would be useful or supportive is welcomed.

Also, what are your views on those who say Defenders/4x4s should not be allowed in the city?

Sorry if this is the wrong thread or I do not have permission to ask for such information, no trouble intended.

Thank you!
Over 60-ish
Hobbies are my Landy, fixing things for family and friends, running a training charity, sailing and powerboating, to itemise just a few
Fenders are simply the best ... After Series
Fender owners are a breed apart, and will generally do anything they can to help one another
What do I do with my Fender? She gets fixed, Then she drags the charity's boat all over the p[lace and then runs into the 'oggin to launch and recover it. Then she gets fixed again, then something else needs doing and she gets fixed, and then if there's nothing else to do ... she gets fixed!
Fenders not just a hobby, or a vehicle, they are a way of life!
She never talks to my wife, but she does to me, and we both know how to keep secrets!
Good luck with your project ... And get yourself a Fender for first-hand experience!! :D
age, 32
gender, Male
location, Wirral
marital/family situation, Courting
hobbies, Mt Bikeing, Motor bikeing, Drinking, ski'ing and snowboarding, climbing (tbf not done that for two years now) photography, S&M the usual stuff.

opinion on Defenders, opinion on Defender owners, and what you do with your Defender/s. Any other relevant information you think would be useful or supportive is welcomed.

Drivers seam nice enough, I dont really drive it that much, which is why i got it, as its only £100 to insure I drive my bike to work every day, so was paying £1k + in insurance for car to sit out side the house, so the defender made more sense cost wise.
Stuff it I might as well add my ha'penny's worth as well:

Age - 27
Location - Hamilton, central Scotland.
Living with partner (female before anyone jumps on that or before BoB gets excited)
Hobbies - working on my landy of course, camping, hiking and just general DIY or building ****. Quite practical minded and love making things with crap I have lying about.

Opinion on fenders - I love mine and would never be without it. Sure its a shed but its my shed and I'm not interested in how much people want to slag it. Had a lot of time and cash spent on it, maybe more than should be but I enjoy every minute of it. I use mine as my daily driver and also for moving stuff about and the odd bit of offroading.

Drivers - all of the land rover owners I've had the pleasure to meet have been a very friendly, very helpful lot and I'm glad that it seems to be the majority of landy owners.

As for fenders in cities I can't say its ever affected me, I don't live in a city and I don't do much city driving, truth be told I hate them lol horrible, built up, busy places that they are. If someone wants to own one and they happen to do city driving a lot then I don't see a problem with it, they've either bought it for work purposes or because they love them. Certainly not for style and comfort lol

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