age 35+++ (other than that mind your own business :D)

gender Female

location Outskirts of Leeds

marital Divorced 1st, 2nd died

Family situation 1 grown up kid

hobbies Horses and defenders

opinion on Defenders Sold my first one, worst thing I ever did so I got another :D They have character and names :D

Opinion on Defender owners Only people with any sense :p

What you do with your Defender Tow horses and now laning :D

Any other relevant information you think would be useful or supportive is welcomed. Landy is 2nd car, just for fun

Also, what are your views on those who say Defenders/4x4s should not be allowed in the city? Get a life
age 35+++ (other than that mind your own business :D)

gender Female

location Outskirts of Leeds

marital Divorced 1st, 2nd died

Family situation 1 grown up kid

hobbies Horses and defenders

opinion on Defenders Sold my first one, worst thing I ever did so I got another :D They have character and names :D

Opinion on Defender owners Only people with any sense :p

What you do with your Defender Tow horses and now laning :D

Any other relevant information you think would be useful or supportive is welcomed. Landy is 2nd car, just for fun

Also, what are your views on those who say Defenders/4x4s should not be allowed in the city? Get a life


I am a selfish and reckless driver and I use my Defender for intimidating other drivers, used to have a small hot hatch and got fed up with people not getting out of my way so got a Defender to give them a nudge if necessary. People now get out of my way and give me the space I want.

Also use it for many chav like activities like moving other chavs about, hanging round in car parks and doing wicked skids and doughnuts.

I will soon be slamming it and putting a mental spoiler on it.

Forgot to mention 7 kids to 9 different people, go figure!
Hey all,

Let me quickly introduce myself, my name is Chris Newman and I'm an advertising student.

I'm currently working on a Defender Campaign and need some useful information in order to get an idea of the current target audience! I believe the Defender is an excellent vehicle driven by caring, enthusiastic people but many people believe they are selfish and reckless. I want to try and change this 'perception'.

If you would be so kind as to supply me some information that would be amazing which would hopefully produce a more effective outcome.

If the information is too sensitive for you please inbox me, answer some, or ignore this thread, but generally I'm looking for: age (18-24, 25-35 etc is acceptable), gender, location, marital/family situation, hobbies, opinion on Defenders, opinion on Defender owners, and what you do with your Defender/s. Any other relevant information you think would be useful or supportive is welcomed.

Also, what are your views on those who say Defenders/4x4s should not be allowed in the city?

Sorry if this is the wrong thread or I do not have permission to ask for such information, no trouble intended.

Thank you!
Male last time I checked!
The edge of reason
Surrounded by difficult and demanding wimmins
Industrial stuff
Havent got a Defective but a 90 is like the original pure vision of same
Views on Landies generally, love em really great for work and play, a truly sustainable vehicle.
Use mine every day on the farm and or the road it is like my best mate!
My motor hasnt been allowed in London for some time! Cos it aint got windows in the back, parrently thats really bad for the environment.:confused::confused:
Jut googled it and the first result was on urban dictionary, you sick gits, I bet you all love a good angry dragon or a Abraham Lincoln :lol:
6 times? I have school, I don't have time for 6, I get other random women to do it for me :bounce:

girls you mean and if you say ya never had you is lieing :pound::pound::pound::pound:

A women is over 45 and get better with age:D

Next time you get lucky with your girls, think of your dad and mom or your grand parents having a good romp :D
Last edited:
Male 23
Hobbies gym off roading landrover and lot of other stuff
Out skirts of Leeds
Love my fender sold my 1st and then thought what the fu#k have I done so bought another
Landrovers, would have another in a second if a 90 fender is not practical ill get a 110
Use mine off road walking the dogs camping and on a weekend for
Don't take it in to Leeds as there's no car parks that I fit in, its not so much the enthusiasts that's the problems in city's its the posh twits with big shines audi's and BMW merc n rangies, these are people that want everyone to know they have money as the people on here drive them because they love them and give them a name, mines called Lenny.

As for manners whilst driving, I'm never in a rush even if i was you wouldnt gess as its not fast, and often give way, you **** me off you will get result as I'm as happy to crash my fender into you as I am my transit van this is the same in anything I drive besides the wife's pride and joy as I get shouted at if I leave a finger print on it,
Age: mind yer own business (i.e. well over 40)

Gender: woman

Location: North East Italy

Marital status: married for nearly 30 years. Two grown up daughters. 1 malamute, 1 border collie, 1 Breton mix. 2 cats

Hobbies: laning or off roading or whatever; being silly on land rover forums; travelling, camping, sketching

Opinion on defenders: they are the bees knees; wouldn't drive anything else; practical, versatile, amazing; continually astounded by what they can do

Opinion on defender owners: some of my bestest friends; great bunch of people wherever they are in the world; don't know how I managed for so long without them; sense of humour a must

What I do with my defender: drive it everywhere on and off road in any weather condition; regular visits to the carwash

With regards to 4x4's in cities: same as any other vehicle in cities, gets you from a to b, but when you're in a defender other vehicles get out of your way

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