Showers are no problem, I have a 12 volt one that plugs into the cig lighter for washing horses.

However I'm not so sure how pleasant it would be in -20 in February :eek::D:D:D:D

nipples that can cut glass and balls in his stomach most likely :eek:
Showers are no problem, I have a 12 volt one that plugs into the cig lighter for washing horses.

However I'm not so sure how pleasant it would be in -20 in February :eek::D:D:D:D

Sod that! :eek:

Least I'll be able to have a nice hot shower in the b&b :D:D:D
yeh 5am no issue, get up to 70 stick the cruise on and steer lol

its gonna be 5am for the trip this saturday
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Save me going back on loads of threads is a camp site been sorced ? If so can details be posted plz n is it ok to bring my camper ? Cheers mark
Save me going back on loads of threads is a camp site been sorced ? If so can details be posted plz n is it ok to bring my camper ? Cheers mark

Last I heard you have a choice of 10 miles away or the Docs Aunties garden :hysterically_laughi:hysterically_laughi

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