
Engine and gearbox need to be in so I can make up the gearbox tunnel as that needs to be fitted round it properly.

Bodywork wise I could put some filler on the inside to hide the rivets and finish off the rear tub a little but a) its raining and b) theres no need to yet

Thats literally all I have left to do.....finish the body

Engine and gearbox need to be in so I can make up the gearbox tunnel as that needs to be fitted round it properly.

Bodywork wise I could put some filler on the inside to hide the rivets and finish off the rear tub a little but a) its raining and b) theres no need to yet

Thats literally all I have left to do.....finish the body

so the brakes have all been upgraded to cope with this engine box then,all the wiring done,exhaust started,plus a myriad of other things??
Nope, brakes are staying as the standard drums for now I'm just going to brake earlier until I manage to make up the disc braked axles

Wiring is done, I did that last month and cant wire up the starter panel until the engine goes in because its sitting on top of the gearbox tunnel, exhaust was completed months back......its just a straight pipe with the harley slash cuts on the ends and thats it

The rest is done
Nope, brakes are staying as the standard drums for now I'm just going to brake earlier until I manage to make up the disc braked axles

Wiring is done, I did that last month and cant wire up the starter panel until the engine goes in because its sitting on top of the gearbox tunnel, exhaust was completed months back......its just a straight pipe with the harley slash cuts on the ends and thats it

The rest is done

well if the brakes are not up to the job doc,then that is criminal behaviour.brake earlier.what about emergency braking say if a child runs out onto the road,or a car stops suddenly.i thought you had more about you than to not get the brakes upgraded.your insurance company will be on you like a ton of bricks,plus you could potentially kill someone,or yourself.
It makes no difference does it? I'm limited by my gearing to the same speed I'd get to with the 3.5 if not less now I'm running a low geared 4 speed truck gearbox :doh:

The fact that the engine weighs an extra 40kg is neither here nor there seeing as theres no longer a 60kg winch going on the front which would have made it heavier in that this anyway.

Its not criminal behaviour at all so you can come down off your soap box, the engine changes nothing.......the only difference is its got a hell of a lot more grunt but I'm more limited by gearing now than I was with the 3.5 as I've already said. I'll be lucky to see 55 out of this box whereas with the R380 I'd be looking at 80 if I really wanted to push things

The brakes will get upgraded to discs when I have the time to make up the new axles, until then I have no issue with running the standard drums. With any luck that'll be before feb but who knows as I need to widen the casing by 5" either side too before welding leaf mounts and setting the diff angle on the 90 axle I'm going to run on the front
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It makes no difference does it? I'm limited by my gearing to the same speed I'd get to with the 3.5 if not less now I'm running a low geared 4 speed truck gearbox :doh:

The fact that the engine weighs an extra 40kg is neither here nor there seeing as theres no longer a 60kg winch going on the front which would have made it heavier in that this anyway.

Its not criminal behaviour at all so you can come down off your soap box, the engine changes nothing.......the only difference is its got a hell of a lot more grunt but I'm more limited by gearing now than I was with the 3.5 as I've already said. I'll be lucky to see 55 out of this box whereas with the R380 I'd be looking at 80 if I really wanted to push things

ok,one i am not on a soap box you conceited are endangering lives with your hairbrained idea' jump on anyone else who makes the slightest mistake.but you think you know everything.well you dont.the tratter brakes are rated for a certain weight/power etc just add **** here there and everywhere with out ryme or you carry on in your fantasy world and we will see how you get on wont we.remember the timing on the were adamant you had that right,you would not take advice but you got that wrong didn't you carry on.:mad:
The brakes will get upgraded to discs when I have the time to make up the new axles, until then I have no issue with running the standard drums
ok,one i am not on a soap box you conceited are endangering lives with your hairbrained idea' jump on anyone else who makes the slightest mistake.but you think you know everything.well you dont.the tratter brakes are rated for a certain weight/power etc just add **** here there and everywhere with out ryme or you carry on in your fantasy world and we will see how you get on wont we.remember the timing on the were adamant you had that right,you would not take advice but you got that wrong didn't you carry on.:mad:

Oh but you are on a soap box, look at yourself shouting down and you've even lowered yourself to insults now :rolleyes:

A series engine weighs 205kg, a Rover V8 weighs in at 230kg and this one weighs in at 270kg dry weight with all the accessories on it all of which I'm not using so it probably comes in closer to 240kg without PS and AC pumps

I've got upgraded springs to take the weight of the engine, the massive Husky wuperwinch is no longer on the front and neither is the winch tray which was weighing in at another 10 so I've already shed weight which brings me back down to near enough a standard series engine with a capstan winch on the front......this means the brakes will cope :doh:

The power makes no difference here, the weight stays the same as a kitted out series or slightly less and the power increase really only means I'll reach 55 quicker.

I add stuff to the vehicle because I can.......I have the tools, I have the ability to make up adaptors and I have the time to. The idea is to create the ultimate toy for me and well......that doesn't include a RV8 engine anymore because compared to a real engine they're ****.

Didn't hear you complaining when it was a 3.5 which would have gone faster and was staying on drums. So leave it out. The vehicle will get upgraded when I have the time which for all I know may be before feb
Oh but you are on a soap box, look at yourself shouting down and you've even lowered yourself to insults now :rolleyes:

A series engine weighs 205kg, a Rover V8 weighs in at 230kg and this one weighs in at 270kg dry weight with all the accessories on it all of which I'm not using so it probably comes in closer to 240kg without PS and AC pumps

I've got upgraded springs to take the weight of the engine, the massive Husky wuperwinch is no longer on the front and neither is the winch tray which was weighing in at another 10 so I've already shed weight which brings me back down to near enough a standard series engine with a capstan winch on the front......this means the brakes will cope :doh:

The power makes no difference here, the weight stays the same as a kitted out series or slightly less and the power increase really only means I'll reach 55 quicker.

I add stuff to the vehicle because I can.......I have the tools, I have the ability to make up adaptors and I have the time to. The idea is to create the ultimate toy for me and well......that doesn't include a RV8 engine anymore because compared to a real engine they're ****.

Didn't hear you complaining when it was a 3.5 which would have gone faster and was staying on drums. So leave it out. The vehicle will get upgraded when I have the time which for all I know may be before feb

so saying i am on a soapbox is not talking down to someone who is saying that what you are doing is dangerous.i never knew it was on for me leaving it know where i live.come tell me that to my face.
so saying i am on a soapbox is not talking down to someone who is saying that what you are doing is dangerous.i never knew it was on for me leaving it know where i live.come tell me that to my face.

Its not dangerous FFS

I'm limited to 55 by my gearing, standard series speed for a start

I'm running at less than a standard series with a PTO winch on the front would be and I've got the springs to take the weight.

I have no need to even brake on lanes......I'm running a 102:1 gear ratio in low range 1st which means I need nearly 11,000rpm to do 10mph. Considering the disco needs the pedal down to move in low 1st this will probably be more effective than the handbrake

The drums were designed to cope with a standard series engine and winch on the front and as stated this weighs less than that so they will easily cope with the weight.

You're obviously missing these very trivial facts and I have no intention to drive down to manchester to tell you to shut up. If you don't like the build don't comment as you're turning into the merkin now and he actually went all supportive properly the other night
Its not dangerous FFS

I'm limited to 55 by my gearing, standard series speed for a start

I'm running at less than a standard series with a PTO winch on the front would be and I've got the springs to take the weight.

I have no need to even brake on lanes......I'm running a 102:1 gear ratio in low range 1st

The drums were designed to cope with a standard series engine and winch on the front and as stated this weighs less than that.

You're obviously missing these very trivial facts and I have no intention to drive down to manchester to tell you to shut up. If you don't like the build don't comment you're turning into the merkin now

i know you wont drive down for anything might know how to turn parts on a lathe etc.but you certainly are no mechanic thats plain to see.i just feel sorry for anyone driving anywhere near you when you are in that thing.what you fail to understand is you post the ins and out of a cats arse on here,so people with very much more experience than you will comment on it and try to tell you or help you as to where you are going wrong.but you with you superior i have got tools/uni workshop to use,do not per usual.
i know you wont drive down for anything might know how to turn parts on a lathe etc.but you certainly are no mechanic thats plain to see.i just feel sorry for anyone driving anywhere near you when you are in that thing.what you fail to understand is you post the ins and out of a cats arse on here,so people with very much more experience than you will comment on it and try to tell you or help you as to where you are going wrong.but you with you superior i have got tools/uni workshop to use,do not per usual.

The series will stop......if the brakes can cope with it doing 55mph and then stopping with more weight on the front then they'll cope with it doing 55 with less weight on the front and a lower geared box that'll also help to slow it.

I'll take help when I need it or want it but on this occasion I have no reason to. The facts are there, it weighs less, it does the same speed, its lower geared, that puts everything in favour of it being able to stop in the same space as a fully kitted out 2.25 88"

For all I know it may have discs on it by that time anyway.....
I'm a bit confused as to why that standard drums are not going to cope... the turn the force of a moving mass into friction/heat.. there's about the same mass/weight as standard and this vehicle can carry a load in the back and passenger/s so by any means its lighter than it was designed to cope with... and its no faster.

So whats the problem?
I'm a bit confused as to why that standard drums are not going to cope... the turn the force of a moving mass into friction/heat.. there's about the same mass/weight as standard and this vehicle can carry a load in the back and passenger/s so by any means its lighter than it was designed to cope with... and its no faster.

So whats the problem?

Exactly ;)

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