Iv started a new group n added us :D i dont mind leading along as i know where I'm going as never been lakes!
ive been a couple of times, although i lost all my routes on the ipad i will get a techy buddy of mine to redo em for me.
I think Rik is going, he has most of the routes although last time we all went up there we found some cracking ones weve not come across before.
Where is the list you have put our names to?
ive been a couple of times, although i lost all my routes on the ipad i will get a techy buddy of mine to redo em for me.
I think Rik is going, he has most of the routes although last time we all went up there we found some cracking ones weve not come across before.
Where is the list you have put our names to?

The very first post is a google/ excel spreadsheet thingy
I'm pretty sure we're at maximum capacity......no one #### with the document anymore and well you cant anyway as I've just closed it down so only I can but thats it.

End of!

Thats 28 total which is plenty!
I'm pretty sure we're at maximum capacity......no one #### with the document anymore and well you cant anyway as I've just closed it down so only I can but thats it.

End of!

Thats 28 total which is plenty!

Your a grumpy bugger today ain't ya! Heavy night?? NO LOUD NOISES!!!!
Your a grumpy bugger today ain't ya! Heavy night?? NO LOUD NOISES!!!!

I only had half a litre of vodka and some wine, no hangover just a little tired after 12 hours driving yesterday......it was the other ****s who chundered everywhere which put me in a bad mood :mad: just happy it wasn't my house!

Someone ****ed in the study too......it was one of the two chundering nonces. I reckon it was the fat one
Look what happened to this once I stopped being PA :rolleyes::rolleyes:

What a mess, and since someone has added a 4th group we will be treated to another map from the Doc :D:D:D:D

As our route requires a helicopter or a tunnel, I wonder if the last lot will get what they deserve :eek::D
Hi all not had internet for a few weeks so all i would like to know is where are we camping? Ie post code so i know what area i'm heading for and meeting people.
Really looking forward to this trip.
Hi all not had internet for a few weeks so all i would like to know is where are we camping? Ie post code so i know what area i'm heading for and meeting people.
Really looking forward to this trip.

Last I heard it was the Docs Aunties garden :hysterically_laughi:hysterically_laughi
OK but would still like a post code so i know what area i'm heading for thanks.
I will sleep any where i can put my tent up or in the back of my disco.
OK but would still like a post code so i know what area i'm heading for thanks.
I will sleep any where i can put my tent up or in the back of my disco.

I suggest a car park or grass verge. The only camp site open for tents is 20 miles away :confused:
Errmm can I know what going on please :D on BIG thread like this, I recons it should be the rules that all info is updated the the very first post :)

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