
Do'er of stuff and the like
Well Ive managed to get meself a nice 110.

But i really fancy one of those fancy tombraider editions. I dont know why, maybe its the colour.. theres not actually that much difference too them really. Just a few fancy bolt on bits and pieces. Im not willing to pay the extortianate prices though.

So ive decided im going to make my double cab into my own wombraider version.

Hopefully this will turn into a full blog type thread as theres quite a few upgrades i need to do (as its quite an old 110) and some fancy bits and pieces will be going on to make it more unique and to what me and the mrs want in our "expedition" vehicle (local car boot more like)

So fingers crossed this will turn out into my own little adventure :)
well ive been checking through the inventory of what i have already to start it looking like one, and the roll cage i already have can be tweaked quite easily - so theres a grand saved!

just bought the rear canvas in the right colour with the hoops (as it was missing), i have the rx8 seats, nice steering wheel, already got the right colour paint in a tub in the shed, got some chunkeh wheels and a winch bumper (will be hacking bits off the bumper that i dont need and getting it powdercoated)

Will start with those and go from there.

I want the rear hoops to be remade in 2" tube to offer some protection and to look cool - maybe mount 2 spare wheels off them on the inside, i have some cool nato storage boxes for when we go camping that will bolt in a treat, a rhino pipe carrier thing is in the shed.

hoping its pretty much a case of bolting everything on!

Then it will be an engine conversion, axle swap and chassis upgrade - double shocks all round, +5" travel, big brake upgrade, double cardon heavy duty props, steering damper, and some underbody protection... PHEW!
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picking it up today!!!

I feel like a kid in a candy shop.

actually why the hell am i getting excited about picking up a 1987 110???

I just know its going to give me loads of grief, make me swear, hurt me when i try to undo a bolt, slip and smash my arm into a sharp bit of metal, cover me in oil, make my mrs think i love it more than her, have my neighbours complaining (again)

sssiiiggghhh :rolleyes:
picking it up today!!!

I feel like a kid in a candy shop.

actually why the hell am i getting excited about picking up a 1987 110???

I just know its going to give me loads of grief, make me swear, hurt me when i try to undo a bolt, slip and smash my arm into a sharp bit of metal, cover me in oil, make my mrs think i love it more than her, have my neighbours complaining (again)

sssiiiggghhh :rolleyes:

AND have it nicked if you live in Camp Hill :D
Pics or it didnt happen!

[smile]you know da rulez[/smile]
just got home from picking it up :)

i bought it blind without seeing it haha, so im pleasantly surprised! When i bought it i was under the impression it had a 2.5td in it, to my delight, its a 200tdi! so thats a big job saved, and its already got all the silicone hoses etc on the intercooler so theres a plus.

Also came with receipts for having over a grand spent on it in the past 6 months on all new steering parts etc and it shows! it drives spot on apart from a vibration at about 45 mph... i think its the prop ... will investigate tomorrow. And Ill get some pics!

Its got a funny mod on the inside, basically its got a set of caravan seats in the back haha.

Also came with a cb radio, its fully insulated and its sooooo much quieter.

Suspension is rock hard mind!

i got the thumbs up from my little lad, which - as he is a right little girls blouse at times - has to be a good thing!

other little problems are the brakes - soft soft soft - locked!!!!!

and lots of play in the drive system - possibly linked to the vibration - so hopefully 2 things in one to fix :)
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fook living in camphill!

thats where the theiving ****e that tried to nick my dakar bike from lives (caught the little **** and cave him a right pasting!)

couple of toys :)

i hadnt noticed this in the dark when i picked it up last night. WTF is all i can say!

drain pipe snorkel is nasty but easily removed and replaced

need to tidy up this lot

think i will be removing this!!!!
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right - first things first - some bigger wheels!


identified the clunking noise - rear propshaft is utterly fooked!

Its the Badgernator.....

You need to make sure you dont get shot at with the TB badger cull going on.

There is someone out there making duplicate tombraider badges if you want...
There is someone out there making duplicate tombraider badges if you want...

nah im good ta, there no point in trying to make something identical, besides, itll be its own thing :)

clunking noise is at least half fixed! - the rear propshaft had about 6 degrees of play in it, replaced the damaged uj and the old one was cracked and mostly worn away! still got a slight clunk so something else is on the fritz but at least i found that one!

scary bit was that the propshaft nuts were only done up finger tight!!!!! which is making think... what else has the previous owner been "fixing" :confused:
ok just been out and done a few more jobs.

first of all, the removable steering wheel is back on. Below is the pictures of the final installation working back to the removal of the hub from my 90, had to get a bearing puller on it as the old hub was stuck fast!

Used the old, apply a bit of pressure on the wheel and **** the shaft with a hammer trick to remove the original from the 110.

also pic of the mss cubby thats gone in.

Is the blue 90 yours as well? looks like it has some toys on it? Have to have a closer look next year, noticed you live in nuneaton. I dont live that far from smellyslipper and im usually round his tinkering. :D Might see you on a few laning trips?

To your photos. It dosent look to bad on the outside, whats the underside like?

The old king cab conversion is a bit :eek: :faint2: And the interior in the back is well........loverly. :D

yeah i know, i will sort out the conversion, at the minute just making it safer to drive and stripping off the good stuff off the blue one so i can flog it. No point in flogging it with them on as i will only have to buy it again and i wont get owt extra for it if i do leave it on.

Interior in the back in coming out tomorrow! picking up a soft top back for it tomorrow and im making a swing away spare wheel carrier. Need to sort out the tail gate as thats one of the nastiest bits on it when you get up close.

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