About to do some welding... I understand that underseal burns well. How far back, away from where I'm welding, should I remove it?

I tend to strip it back for an inch or two - hot air gun and a scraper ... YMMV ;)

Better to remove it all IMHO - tis awful stuff ...

And Dippy is 100% correct, it lurks in seams and such :mad::mad: - don't even get me started on LR's period seam sealer - the fumes of that sh&t are really quite unpleasant IME :eek:
About to do some welding... I understand that underseal burns well. How far back, away from where I'm welding, should I remove it?

As DP says, keep the bucket of water and a rag ready, terrible gloop, get rid of as much as you can and then a bit more.

Also, be warned that if there has ever been any applications of chassis wax that that will proper go up quick smart!!!
Howzit going DD? All well?

Not great to be honest, this whole saga is causing me quite a bit of stress, so many plans and so much I wanted to do this year and it's all gone to rack and ruin, one company I had lined up for a job has gone bust as they were stiffed for about £350,000 and on top of that they had a 10T digger nicked that had only just been delivered to their site and wasn't insured as the tracker people hadn't got there to fit it all up so that will be another £80,000 loss and pop she goes. Not seen Mrs. Dieseldog or the pup for a month and that's grating on me, whatsup vijeo calls are all well and good but no substitute and my poor mum is going stir crazy not being able to go to the shops and stroll around Pompey or Southampton at leisure.

Only good thing going on at the minute is work and my Discovery is running lick a clock (shouldn't say that out loud should I :eek::eek::eek:) oh and the garden looks amazing now lol
I have some corkers that I ought get the date tattooed under as they'll be there a lifetime :(

You cracked yet under the boredom/stress/monotony?

I’m getting into the swing but I’m a social person so miss the crack and actually being able to sit around a table to sort something rather then Skype all the time!! im running with the dog every other day - that’s helped loads!!! Drinking lots though lol
Oh and I’m trying to go to bed early, wake up early, keep organized and tidy etc to have structure rather than turning into a mongrel.
Also reading papillon which has me quite hooked
Stay safe and well guys...bashing on with P6 resto...rust proofing and making repair patchs and a rottisere...had a thunderstorm last night patio drain got blocked woke up to water coming in under kitchen door no probs as it's all tiled and cement walls...went to check 101 which has no cover over canvas tilt..bugger me cloth seats dry interior coverd in dust...bloody Ford van all damp inside...
Oh and I’m trying to go to bed early, wake up early, keep organized and tidy etc to have structure rather than turning into a mongrel.
Also reading papillon which has me quite hooked
Organization, pah, pile of bits an bobs wherever you go, or not in my case as mum gets the hump and I don't get dinner lol

@resto_d1 has got a landy now that should keep him amused even longer. ;)

Keep safe all
Glutton for punishment or earning too much money :D

How goes with you young Phil? You under house arrest or got a job that gets you out the house?

Stay safe and well guys...bashing on with P6 resto...rust proofing and making repair patchs and a rottisere...had a thunderstorm last night patio drain got blocked woke up to water coming in under kitchen door no probs as it's all tiled and cement walls...went to check 101 which has no cover over canvas tilt..bugger me cloth seats dry interior coverd in dust...bloody Ford van all damp inside...

Ford vans got worse door seals than Defenders lol :)
I’m still trucking round the country. They did ask for staff to stand down, most have kids so wanted Easter off. Unsure why they would want 3 weeks with Mrs/kids if they spend all week away,why not get a day job?
(Less money but better social life)
All my classic car events been cancelled & french tour with the S1 also stopped.
Hopefully in a few weeks it gets a bit more relaxed & green laning can take place ;)
Landy parked up & filling up with garden waste it’s dangerous leaving the mrs alone at home. At least B&Q is closed
Trip to france is still part of my list with the D1. I spoke to frog hopper about it last year as hes a keen fisherman.

I want to go out, wild/landy camping along the way with the dog and get some French Barbel and maybe even visit a decent puddle pig and sturgeon lake.

Don't think I have the gear for those big beasts anymore though....
Stay safe and well guys...bashing on with P6 resto...rust proofing and making repair patchs and a rottisere...had a thunderstorm last night patio drain got blocked woke up to water coming in under kitchen door no probs as it's all tiled and cement walls...went to check 101 which has no cover over canvas tilt..bugger me cloth seats dry interior coverd in dust...bloody Ford van all damp inside...

Would be interested in seeing some more pics of both. I went round the 90 with a watering can for half an hour then followed with Sika. It was leaking like a sieve and had to weld in a new section along bulkhead seem due to this being left. I've filled nearly every joint with sika or dum dum or both. I think last think is getting some old style rubber vent seals rather than the foam ones.
Gotta get her leak free before I spend my corona savings on a fancy interior lol.
Trip to france is still part of my list with the D1. I spoke to frog hopper about it last year as hes a keen fisherman.

I want to go out, wild/landy camping along the way with the dog and get some French Barbel and maybe even visit a decent puddle pig and sturgeon lake.

Don't think I have the gear for those big beasts anymore though....

This sounds good ...

I’m still trucking round the country. They did ask for staff to stand down, most have kids so wanted Easter off. Unsure why they would want 3 weeks with Mrs/kids if they spend all week away,why not get a day job?
(Less money but better social life)
All my classic car events been cancelled & french tour with the S1 also stopped.
Hopefully in a few weeks it gets a bit more relaxed & green laning can take place ;)
Landy parked up & filling up with garden waste it’s dangerous leaving the mrs alone at home. At least B&Q is closed

Crazy time to ask for a stand down. We have a new breed our end who haven't lived the ****ty digs, months away from home double shifting lifestyle that's now disappeared. It kills me when someone pipes up about being away for a couple of weeks when we spent years away while our mates were catching up in the pub or with their family n kids.
Crazy time to ask for a stand down. We have a new breed our end who haven't lived the ****ty digs, months away from home double shifting lifestyle that's now disappeared. It kills me when someone pipes up about being away for a couple of weeks when we spent years away while our mates were catching up in the pub or with their family n kids.

My grown up kids only ever saw me a day and a half at the weekends and even then there was no guarantee of how many weeks apart my coming home would be, I had a few months away on jobs that were 7 days a week and 12hr shifts.

I hated digs, terrible way to live, caravan was ok until we started moving frequently and I built a camper out of a semi hi-top transit van and that was awesome, rock up and roll off as and when.

@Hicap phill shame about the Series 1 tour :( Did you let the Mrs know that Wickes and B&Q do click and collect as well as delivery :p:p:p
Crazy time to ask for a stand down. We have a new breed our end who haven't lived the ****ty digs, months away from home double shifting lifestyle that's now disappeared. It kills me when someone pipes up about being away for a couple of weeks when we spent years away while our mates were catching up in the pub or with their family n kids.
For about the first 20 years of our life as a couple, my wife worked away from home during the week if not for longer, at a time. And this was before the days of mobile phones so nightly conversations were often impossible. We just got on with it. I did all the domestics apart from the washing! It made the weekends very special. So any fu cker who cannot stand being apart from his girlfriend for 2 weeks and thinks he is justified in sneaking out of quarantine, needs teaching a strict lesson.
Try thinking about what it is like for wive's Bfriends Gfriends of crew on ships that go deep sea, or in the services.
Grow up you D heads!

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