gummy bear

Active Member
Hi all
I'm after some advice : )
Have looked on forums but can't find wot I'm after.
What I want to do is convert my 4.0 2000 Rangie to a 2.5diesel.
The 4.0 petrol (LPG) has just done cylinder so I have bought a complete p38 diesel (bonus is the diesel is manual).
I want to convert it so its a standard BMW 2.5dengine with manual hoping all parts/looms/ecu's etc will be swappable but as I said,I can't find anyone who has done standard conversion,all the ones I find are Isuzu or random large Diesel engines etc,and all I wanna do is put the standard Diesel engine in that the diesel rangies came with.
I know this is gonna be a big difficult job(petrol to diesel and auto to manual) but I think it is worth it as I currently have a lovely condition 4.0 v8 sitting there with a buggered engine and from what I've read the diesel in manual is a great car : )))
Any info would be much appreciated : )
Manual is not suited to the diesel as it's got bugger all power below 2500rpm. Definitely doable, several settings to change in the BECM, a 4.0 to diesel as the 4.6 uses a different can bus auto box ECU and loom. If you keep the auto box, you will still need to swap the auto box ECU as the shift patterns are different. Lots to consider.
If the diesel you bought is in good nick, might be easier to swap the interior.
I would have thought it would end up costing as much as sorting your V8 out but without the power & smoothness, running the V8 on LPG is approx the same as running the 2.5 diesel. Your gonna be dissapointed in the 2.5 if you convert IMO:(
You'll need to change the brains, fuel tanks (plus plumbing) and dash (the instrument cluster anyway). Then you'll need to inform DVLA and your insurance company.

I hope you've got a big garage and a lot of time because you'll be on it for a long time. That is assuming you want it to work like a RR when you're done.

A bigger question is why? Why do this conversion and why to a manual? If you want a derv, you'll be better off selling the two you have and using that money to be a derv with change. Or assuming the complete derv works, just use that.
You'll need to change the brains, fuel tanks (plus plumbing) and dash (the instrument cluster anyway). Then you'll need to inform DVLA and your insurance company.

I hope you've got a big garage and a lot of time because you'll be on it for a long time. That is assuming you want it to work like a RR when you're done.

A bigger question is why? Why do this conversion and why to a manual? If you want a derv, you'll be better off selling the two you have and using that money to be a derv with change. Or assuming the complete derv works, just use that.
Why would you need to change the fuel tank? You just need a fuel return line. Instrument cluster is the same as far as I can see. Brains, if you mean BECM it's a matter of changing the settings.
Cluster would have the glow light, injection warning lamp and different tacho! Surely?
Cluster would have the glow light, injection warning lamp and different tacho! Surely?
All the light holes are there, may have the wrong symbol for glow or maybe it's there but not used on the petrol. as for the tacho, what does the V8 rev to? More than 5000rpm? There are no red segments on either of my P38 tacho's so if the rev range is similar I don't see the problem. Pulse rate to drive it is probably via the BECM, I haven't checked, so just the pulse source will be different. In any case as he has the complete car it would be easy to swap the cluster.
Why would you need to change the fuel tank? You just need a fuel return line. Instrument cluster is the same as far as I can see. Brains, if you mean BECM it's a matter of changing the settings.
The intank pump is different. You could just change the intank pump, but it'll be quicker to just change the tank. Yes, you could cut access panels but to do it cleanly on the keeper will take longer than dropping the tank.

The BeCM, all of the associated looms for the engine/gearbox, you know, the fiddly bits that make the thing work.

I believe the tach is different as the derv has different rev band, indication lights that only dervs have. Unless those lights are in all clusters and just need switching on.
Getting scared lol,cheers for quick replies.

Did you Bobcat that Disco?

This should be a walk in the park for you if you can do that!

I suspect the electrical gubbins you'll need to change or update will be far harder to do than the changing of the engine and gearbox.

I agree with Datatek, might be easier to swap the interior (or even the whole body shell!)

If you do decide to do this conversion, I'd very interested to know how you get on.
Did you Bobcat that Disco?

This should be a walk in the park for you if you can do that!

I suspect the electrical gubbins you'll need to change or update will be far harder to do than the changing of the engine and gearbox.

I agree with Datatek, might be easier to swap the interior (or even the whole body shell!)

If you do decide to do this conversion, I'd very interested to know how you get on.

Yea it was my disco that we bob tailed but tbh I didn't do much as my brother (Matt) is the technical one (and ian)so I just did as I was told lol.
Thinking of shelving it now and just getting a recon 4.0 Thor as its seeming like this gonna be one hell of a head ache,just thought a 2.5 dhse manual would be worth a lot more as rare as rocking horse ****e but now I know why lol.
Only time will tell.

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