that sounds as they do when you setting tappets
fair enough cant say i noticed last time but then it was a lot cleaner and less oil about due to me just rebuilding it. anyway that any help as to what my problem is/could be! im already looking on ebay at heads but i dont want to buy a head if its something bottom end or even something silly :S
fair enough cant say i noticed last time but then it was a lot cleaner and less oil about due to me just rebuilding it. anyway that any help as to what my problem is/could be! im already looking on ebay at heads but i dont want to buy a head if its something bottom end or even something silly :S
i doubt youd need a head, this noise is with engine running auxillary belt off? bottom crank pulley hasnt been off or any other work recently?recordings can be decietful does it sound to be chuffing to you when engines running?
i doubt youd need a head, this noise is with engine running auxillary belt off? bottom crank pulley hasnt been off or any other work recently?recordings can be decietful does it sound to be chuffing to you when engines running?
that i know of nothing has been done bottom end, i can pop the cover back on and get a video of it running without the belt on if it will help. at this point i just want to get to the bottom of it
anyone got any idea's if not im going to just go get a 2nd hand head tomorrow then gaskets monday and just change it hope for the best!
additional thought someone please clarify it for me...

when i rebuilt it there were still possible issues with bubbles getting into the coolant. no oil in water/water in oil/oil loss/coolant loss. now having time to think could the pump jamming have put just enough extra pressure on the engine to blow the head completely. the bubbles in the coolant test clear of exhaust gas not sure if that matters anymore though.
head changed and its sounding like this anyone got any ideas cause i've run out of money and patience now and im ready to just blow it up and move on to another vehicle...
Apart from the sound, are there any other symptoms, e.g. Does it pull up hills ok?

havent driven it anywhere but i have gone out there today and removed the tapped's and put a new set in however now i have a new issue started to set the clarances and got as far as the 2nd of the 8 and engine jammed up and wont turn. tried to loosen ALL the tapped's turn the engine and start again but it wont turn even with the tappeds loose. really starting to loose my patience with this thing can see it getting scrapped really soon the way its going.
How are you turning the engine, with a socket/spanner on the crank pulley? Have you tried turning it the other way, anti-clockwise.

How are you turning the engine, with a socket/spanner on the crank pulley? Have you tried turning it the other way, anti-clockwise.

turning it with drivers wheel off the ground gearbox in 5th same way i normally do. cant get it to turn in any direction, moves maybe 2 or 3 mm then jams up i'll try get a video of it now.
turning it with drivers wheel off the ground gearbox in 5th same way i normally do. cant get it to turn in any direction, moves maybe 2 or 3 mm then jams up i'll try get a video of it now.
So, it could be something in the drive train preventing it from turning. I'd put it in neutral and turn the engine with a socket and wrench to eliminate everything after the flywheel

thats the movement i can get by forcing the wheel back and forth. dont have the option of turning it by hand no socket to put on there to turn it with.

Edit: Neighbor just popped out he has a 27mm so popped it on and with some effort managed to turn it. question now does this mean my gearbox/flywheel/something drive related is dead or that it just got stuck because i was turning it with the wheel. not had this issue before.
It does take some effort to turn the engine with a socket. If you definitely can't turn it with the wheel, I'd suspect a gearbox problem, have you tried it in 4th.

Just a thought, if your tappets are loose, this means all the valves will be closed so turning the engine against all that compression might be why it won't turn.

Just a thought, if your tappets are loose, this means all the valves will be closed so turning the engine against all that compression might be why it won't turn.

ok so here's the results... i got it free with the bar and then went through the clearances again... started her up and at first a little rattle ish but give her a couple of seconds (15-20) then rev'd her up a bit. rattle went away and engine seems to be running ok. going to go back out and put the belt back on and start her up will record the start up and tick over and maybe a little reving and i'll post that here in the next 10 mins. if this is sorted i'll be well happy next step then is go flush the engine and put in new oil. so fingers crossed

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